
Bluprint / News: Recent posts

Bluprint Architecture Documentation Available

A first cut of the Bluprint Architecture documentation is now available on the project web-site. All the diagrams come from the model used to create the application. I still need to tidy up the diagrams so that they are larger and can be viewed from the web-pages clearly. For a best view, open the model contained in the source from within MagicDraw. I also have a PDF of the architecture to be incorporated.

Posted by Peter Long 2010-09-07

Latest Build Released (0.1.002)

The latest build has been created and is available for download.

-- reflective

Posted by Peter Long 2009-04-04

Bluprint web-site amended

Added Developer instructions to the Bluprint web-site. Waiting for the Sourceforge servers to refresh,

-- Reflective

Posted by Peter Long 2009-03-30

Bluprint Source Available

Imported all the source code into the Bluprint subversion repository. Click on the Developers link from here,

-- Reflective

Posted by Peter Long 2009-03-30

Bluprint web-site going up

The first elements of the Bluprint project web-site,, have gone up. It provides some detail on the aims of Bluprint and some brief notes in using Bluprint.

Expect more updates over the next couple of days.

-- Reflective

Posted by Peter Long 2009-03-29