
Tree [r63] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 doc 2007-02-15 brucelee69 [r60] Remaking the documentation
 Doxyfile-Expert 2007-02-15 brucelee69 [r58] Included the source code in the documentation
 Makefile 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r62] Enviar varios ficheros
 Makefile-estatico 2006-11-15 ximuntxo [r1]
 README.txt 2007-01-29 brucelee69 [r43] Applied the feature to request the content by O...
 TODO.txt 2006-12-12 brucelee69 [r6] Quería probar si he instalado bien el SVN
 busca_y_envia.c 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r62] Enviar varios ficheros
 busca_y_envia.h 2007-02-26 brucelee69 [r61] Upgrade (checking sdpd, initializing variables)
 chequea_tipo_envio.c 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r62] Enviar varios ficheros
 chequea_tipo_envio.h 2007-01-11 brucelee69 [r16] Commented and generated documentation by Doxigen
 conffile.c 2007-01-11 brucelee69 [r16] Commented and generated documentation by Doxigen
 conffile.h 2007-01-11 brucelee69 [r16] Commented and generated documentation by Doxigen
 config.h 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r62] Enviar varios ficheros
 configuracion.c 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r62] Enviar varios ficheros
 configuracion.h 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r62] Enviar varios ficheros
 control_procesos.c 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r62] Enviar varios ficheros
 control_procesos.h 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r62] Enviar varios ficheros
 ctrl_estado.c 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r62] Enviar varios ficheros
 ctrl_estado.h 2007-01-30 brucelee69 [r44] improvement of the listening OBEX mode, which c...
 debug_print.c 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r62] Enviar varios ficheros
 debug_print.h 2007-01-11 brucelee69 [r16] Commented and generated documentation by Doxigen
 detecta_obex.c 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r62] Enviar varios ficheros
 detecta_obex.h 2006-11-15 ximuntxo [r1]
 enviar.c 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r62] Enviar varios ficheros
 enviar.h 2006-11-15 ximuntxo [r1] 2006-11-15 ximuntxo [r1]
 escucha_peticiones.c 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r62] Enviar varios ficheros
 escucha_peticiones.h 2007-02-13 brucelee69 [r56] Included the possibility to request the content...
 gammu 2006-11-15 ximuntxo [r1]
 inquiry_scan.c 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r63] Enviar varios ficheros
 inquiry_scan.h 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r63] Enviar varios ficheros
 myobex_io.c 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r62] Enviar varios ficheros
 myobex_io.h 2006-11-15 ximuntxo [r1]
 myobex_test.c 2007-01-11 brucelee69 [r16] Commented and generated documentation by Doxigen
 myobex_test.h 2007-01-11 brucelee69 [r16] Commented and generated documentation by Doxigen
 myobex_test_client.c 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r62] Enviar varios ficheros
 myobex_test_client.h 2006-11-15 ximuntxo [r1]
 param_trabuco.h 2007-02-13 brucelee69 [r56] Included the possibility to request the content...
 sqlite_interface.c 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r62] Enviar varios ficheros
 sqlite_interface.h 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r62] Enviar varios ficheros
 trabuco 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r63] Enviar varios ficheros
 trabuco-estatico 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r63] Enviar varios ficheros
 trabuco.c 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r62] Enviar varios ficheros
 trabuco.conf 2007-06-12 brucelee69 [r62] Enviar varios ficheros

Read Me

 *     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 *     published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
 *     the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *     GNU General Public License for more details.
 *     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
 *     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
 *     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, 
 *     MA 02111-1307 USA

	# make

	sqlite v3

Frecuent Problems:
	There is an alternative method to compile this in a KUbuntu.
	If you are using another distribution, maybe it will be similar, but with another names...
   * When you compile (make) the Trabuco utility, it can appear some errors like these:
		busca_y_envia.c:8:33: error: bluetooth/bluetooth.h: No existe el fichero ó directorio
		busca_y_envia.c:9:27: error: bluetooth/hci.h: No existe el fichero ó directorio
		busca_y_envia.c:10:31: error: bluetooth/hci_lib.h: No existe el fichero ó directorio
		param_trabuco.h:4:21: error: sqlite3.h: No existe el fichero ó directorio
		myobex_test.c:15:27: error: openobex/obex.h: No existe el fichero ó directorio
	If this error appear, it is due to you have not installed the Requirements. I have installed them by using APT, and the packages that we need are those that contains the development files.
		apt-get install libbluetooth1-dev
		apt-get install sqlite3-dev
		apt-get install libopenobex-1.0-0-dev
	This actualitations must be correct these errors.

   * Another problems that we can do are similar than:
		gcc -c -Wall -Werror -Os myobex_test.c
		gcc -c -Wall -Werror -Os myobex_test_client.c
		cc1: warnings being treated as errors
	This means that the warnings that they appear while compilation must be caught like errors, with wich the compilation will not complete.
	These errors appear only in some GCC versions (I have version 4.0.3, and I have this problem. Maybe it can be because this version is dedicated to 64-bits, and I have one micro with 32-bits).
	To correct this problem, we can open the Makefile, and in the lines
		OBJFLAGS=-c -Wall -Werror -Os
		CCFLAGS=-Wall -Werror -Os
		SCCFLAGS=-Wall -Werror -Os -static
	we must to delete -Werror from it, likle this
		OBJFLAGS=-c -Wall -Os
		CCFLAGS=-Wall -Os
		SCCFLAGS=-Wall -Os -static
	Do the same in the Makefile-estatico.

   Another solution is to change the defect compiler in the CPU.
	If you "write gcc -dumpversion" it shows the gcc version you are using. If this version is 4.0, maybe you have the same problem than me. And other versions meybe too.
	For to change the defect version, you primary must to have another version of gcc compiler.
	If you don't, you can install it by using apt-get:
		apt-get install gcc-3.3 (this is what I have used).
	And for to do this gcc the default compiler, you can do:
		cd /usr/bin
		sudo rm gcc gccbug
		sudo ln -s gccbug-3.3 gccbug
		sudo ln -s gcc-3.3 gcc

   * The problems related to
		gcc: /lib/libbluetooth.a: No existe el fichero ó directorio
		gcc: /usr/local/lib/libopenobex.a: No existe el fichero ó directorio
		gcc: /usr/local/lib/libsqlite3.a: No existe el fichero ó directorio
	do not due to you have not this files, but that this files do not be in the appropriate directories.
	I make a link from these files into good directories, and it works ok.
		ln -s /usr/lib/libbluetooth.a /lib/
		ln -s /usr/lib/libopenobex.a /usr/local/lib/
		ln -s /usr/lib/libsqlite3.a /usr/local/lib/
	It deppends of your distribution, this datas can be change a little.

	Or it can do by modifying the line in wich this information is caught.
		SLIBS=/lib/libbluetooth.a /usr/local/lib/libopenobex.a /usr/local/lib/libsqlite3.a
	You can put the corect direction in your computer where the files are allocated.

   * The problems that say: /usr/lib/libsqlite3.a(os_unix.o): En funcion `sqlite3OsOpenDirectory': referencia a `pthread_self' sin definir
	are due to it has not included the "pthread" library in the Makefile.
	If you put "-lpthread" into Line LIBS=... and you put "/usr/lib/libpthread.a" into line SLIBS=... it must go good.