
#83 vertical scrollbar


Hi have searched high and low and can't find the answer...
How do I turn off the vertical scroll bars auto high feature.

The problem of course is with very large file the pencil line scroll bar is almost impossible to see.
If some one can tell me where to look to turn off the auto-hide feature I would be grateful.

Thank you


  • Olivier Sessink

    Olivier Sessink - 2024-02-11

    This is a feature of your gtk theme. The default theme that Ubuntu is using has this scrollbar hiding - possibly other Linux distributions also have this. So it's not something programmed in Bluefish, you'll have to change it for all your applications. See for example

    • Glen

      Glen - 2024-02-11

      Thank you Olivier
      The information in the link is not current, however, I'm now on the right track and know where to be looking.

  • Glen

    Glen - 2024-02-14

    Well, I manged to get it work for the most part by adding the environmental variable: GTK_OVERLAY_SCROLLING=0

    However, it does not work with pkexec. It starts up with admin privileges but the disappearing scroll bar is back :(
    Since most development requires admin access I'm back to square one.

    If anyone knows how to load bluefish with admin privileges I sure would like to hear about it.


  • Olivier Sessink

    Olivier Sessink - 2024-03-05

    does it help if you start bluefish with this environment variable with pkexec? like
    pxexec GTK_OVERLAY_SCROLLING=0 bluefish


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