



BLTN is now in ALPHA 0.2. It's functional, for a very limited definition of functional. You can view your tasks on RTM, and update the name of the task, and even change the list it belongs to to an already-existing list.

This software is not designed for use. It has been uploaded for review, for suggestions, and perhaps even gaining a little bit of help.

Currently, however, any changes will require you to refresh from Remember The Milk in order to see them.

This project uses python3, and QT4.

To run this project (assuming pythin3 and QT4 are installed), simply type : python3

Below is the ToDo file. It's not complete, but rather a list of things that have already been done, and a list of things that will need to be done at some future date (basically, a bug-record).

Welcome to the ToDo file for BLTN. Here you will find all that needs
to be done as a list (not necessarily in priority order), as well
as what has been done for what version. This list begins from when I
got round to implementing a versioning system.


  • Add Due-Date to the Dialogue Window
  • Make sure that changes in the Dialogue Window are uploaded.
  • Make the Properties Dialogue do something!
  • Enable layout by task type, date, and priority.
  • Ensure the main window appears in timely manner
    --Show hour-glass or progress bar so that it does not appear crashed
  • Ensure that some dialogue is shown during refresh, to avoid crash-look

Done for version 0.2 ALPHA

  • The ability to connect to the RTM server, and save the response token added
  • Breif GNU licence added to the top of the file. This needs improving
  • Removed completed tasks from the list.
  • Made popup menus work
    -- FIXED random floating popups
  • Menu item "Refresh" now works.
  • Added the ability to update the task name, and list to RTM.
    -- Each change currently requires a refresh
  • Database is now emptied when an online connection is made,
    to ensure the removal of completed items.
    -- this has caused a layout bug when completed items are removed.
  • Moved to table front-end (slightly ugly, but functional!).
  • moved to list back-end (from linked-list), for ease of use.

version 0.1 ALPHA

Basic client created.

Project Members: