Activity for Block Rec

  • Jörg Stryk Jörg Stryk posted a comment on discussion Bugs & Issues

    BTW: You could monitor the tempdb-size with such an Alert, for example: USE [msdb]; GO EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_alert @name = N'Warning: Size [tempdb]', @enabled = 1, @delay_between_responses = 60, -- dealy between responses, 1 minute, change on demand @include_event_description_in = 0, @performance_condition = N'Databases|Data File(s) Size (KB)|tempdb|>|1024000', -- size threshold, here 1024000 KB = 1 GB; change as applicable @job_id = N'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'; GO EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_notification...

  • Jörg Stryk Jörg Stryk posted a comment on discussion Bugs & Issues

    Bloody hell, that happens when you copy & paste too much ... mea culpa ... The Analysis was actually NOT grouping <facepalm emoji=""> ... I fixed that ... (I think) <shame emoji=""> ...</shame></facepalm>

  • Jörg Stryk Jörg Stryk posted a comment on discussion Bugs & Issues

    One tester reported a brutal load on "tempdb" - the Job "SSI: Block Recording" ran for more than an hour (?) and dramatically increased the size of the "tempdb" (??) ... Not sure what happened here, since the stuff is just recoding to its own table, by default in "msdb" ... My current guess is: Technically lots of micro-blocks happen which possibly also trigger that Alert, thus it might be (now: have been?) somewhat "hyper-nervous" and recording all this nonsense ... The affected server (above) runs...

  • Jörg Stryk Jörg Stryk posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    <<For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen.>> (Douglas Adams) "Blocked Queries" are most annoying in SQL Server; stalling, delaying or even cancelling transactions. To thoroughly investigate and analyze these conflicts it is necessary to automatically record these issues. That's what this stuff is about ...

  • Block Rec Block Rec released /Readme.txt

  • Block Rec Block Rec released /