
Notes on documentation and future plans

English documentation can be found here:
A copy of this document is included into the tarball.

Blitz project is in a quite active development stage, and minor parts of documentation are obsolete. Don't worry, 99% is correct and 99% of old API will not be changed. We will fix it ASAP when most of new blitz features will be implemented. See blitz tarball CHANGES file and tests/ directory for details, and feel free to post requests/reports to our bugtracker at

Important near future plans, which are not mentioned in documentation yet:
- [DONE] context method returnes previous context and a new method getContext/get_context.
- [DONE] include from template inherits current context iterations.
- [DONE] multiple include from template use internal cache to speed up performance.
- [DONE] predefined loop varibles in templates, to be able to do tricks like {{ if($_even, 'even_style', 'odd_style') }} and others. Vars are: $_total, $_num, $_first, $_last, $_odd, $_even.
- [DONE] improve parse: there was $globals argument in old API, comply in with set/block/fetch.
- [DONE] improve include: there was $globals argument in old API, comply in with set/block/fetch. Inherit globals from caller.
- [DONE] things like {{ $hash.key }} or even {{ $ }}

Future plans (to be discussed - all this can be easily done extending template controller):
- extend "if" by simple expressions to have something more than a non-empty check {{ if($a<>$b, "blabla", TRUE); }}
- set in templates like {{ set($myurl,"/app/some-".$id.".html"); }}

Posted by Alexey Rybak 2007-08-04

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