
Black Spot Leaf Area Calculator / Blog: Recent posts

Article on Black Spot Leaf Area Calculator published in Plant Ecology

The journal Plant Ecology has accepted and published our paper describing Black Spot. As of now, the aritcle titiled "Black Spot: a platform for automated and rapid estimation of leaf area from scanned images" is available online on the Plant Ecology website ( A print version will be available in forthcoming issues of the journal.... read more

Posted by Black Spot 2013-10-29 Labels: Black Spot Peer review article Plant Ecology Journal

Black Spot Leaf Area Calculator live demo at SCCS, Bangalore 26th and 27th of September, 2013

We will be conducting a live demo of Black Spot at the Student Conference on Conservation Science (SCCS - BNG) in Bangalore on the 26th and 27th of September. Visit for details on attending the conference.

Posted by Black Spot 2013-09-10 Labels: Live demo SCCS bangalore 2013