
BITS / News: Recent posts

BITS bug fix release v0.40.2 is out.

I was pretty happy with v0.40.1 but I eventually found two small bugs that I wanted to fix. So here is BITS 0.40.2 for your bug tracking enjoyment!

BITS 0.41 is in the works. Until it is release, I'll try to make bug fix releases for bugs found in the app.

Posted by Philippe Anctil 2004-12-12

BITS 0.40, at last!

This version features reworked interfaces, significantly improving report editing and follow up.

The program internals have been improved as well. The most important changes are related to database accesses. They have been cleaned up and modularized to ensure better consistency.

See release notes for full details!

Posted by Philippe Anctil 2004-06-01

BITS ain't dead! 0.39 is out!

BITS is a Bug Identification and Trackin System. Two months after the 0.38 release, here comes 0.39!

This version will improve communication in your team by emailing report updates and status changes automatically. The system not only takes care of summarizing updates, it also finds which users to email based on their reviewer and observer status.

The bugs history has also been improved. It summarizes changes made by every user and offers a short/full mode.

Posted by Philippe Anctil 2004-01-17

Required SQL update for fresh BITS 0.38 installations

I noticed I did not include the latest base.sql file for the 0.38 release. To avoid all kinds of SQL errors related to the keywords field, update your database manually with the following commands before using BITS:

ALTER TABLE `report_base` ADD `keywords` CHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `report_base_archive` ADD `keywords` CHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ;

This fix will be included in the next release. Sorry for any inconvenience!

Posted by Philippe Anctil 2003-11-14

BITS v0.38 is out and packed with new features!

BITS makes another significant step in the bug tracking
arena. This release features:

- Improved bug scheduling interface.

- Ability to save searches.

- Improved text search (support for "+", "-", double

- Keywords field, as another mean to relate bugs.

Required database upgrades for existing users:

ALTER TABLE `report_base` ADD `keywords` CHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ;
ALTER TABLE `report_base_archive` ADD `keywords` CHAR( 255 ) DEFAULT NULL ;

Posted by Philippe Anctil 2003-11-12

BITS 0.37 package update

Thanks to ML for letting me know about a problem
with BITS 0.37 package. An updated package has
has been posted and is ready to download. It will
keep you busy until BITS 0.38 is released.

BITS 0.38 is well on it's way. It will contain report
priority management as well as configurable searches
features. These are both useful tools for improving
your day to day QA productivity!

Posted by Philippe Anctil 2003-11-07

BITS 0.37 brings flexible information reporting.

With release 0.37, BITS Bug Identification and Tracking System brings an innovative HTML & Javascript interface for configuring what information to display when generating bug lists. You can choose what fields to display, in what order they should be displayed and what sort order should be applied on them.

Posted by Philippe Anctil 2003-10-19

BITS is officially up!

I am pleased to announce BITS officially debuts on SourceForge with v0.35. Please refer to the project home page for complete installation instructions.

Posted by Philippe Anctil 2003-09-27