bombs-in-the-mine Code
Status: Abandoned
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File | Date | Author | Commit |
bin | 2009-05-07 | mbaron32 | [r131] Konyvtarstrukturalas |
img | 2009-05-10 | mbaron32 | [r136] |
map | 2009-05-10 | mbaron32 | [r137] |
src | 2009-05-17 | mbaron32 | [r142] Zsolt utolso konstans tombjenek eltakaritasa |
README | 2009-05-07 | mbaron32 | [r134] Csinaltam egy readme fajlt. Meg van mit irni bele. |
build.cmd | 2009-05-10 | mbaron32 | [r138] | | 2009-05-10 | mbaron32 | [r137] |
In english: This is the readme file of our project for our software engineering class. Our documentations are not yet available, but they'll be soon available. To make the binaries from the files checked out from subversion, you'll only need to run our shell script. JDK 1.5 or better is required, and its binaries have to be in your path. The shellscript is only available for GNU/Linux-based systems at the moment, and a Windows batch file is under construction. We haven't made any enjoyable maps for the game yet. Magyarul: Ez a fajl a szoftver labor hazi feladatunk hasznalati utmutatoja. A dokumentaciokat meg nem tettuk kozze, de hamarosan kozze tesszuk. A subversion-bol szedett fajlokbol ugy allithatod elo a binarisokat, hogy lefuttatod a shellscriptunket. JDK 1.5, vagy ujabb szukseges, es a JDK binarisai benne kellenek legyenek a path-odban. A shellscript jelenleg csak GNU/Linux-alapu rendszerekhez keszult el, de folyamatban van a Windows-os batch fajl keszitese is. Elvezheto palyakat meg nem sikerult keszitenunk a jatekhoz.