
BitByter OS / Blog: Recent posts

Testing of BitByter OS 2.0

There have been some big changes in the project. The outlook from here on would be a minimal distro with one desktop environment mostly xfce . Just know i am testing ubuntu 13.04 base with xfce and the size of the iso is around 470mb. No icons, no default apps other than that of xfce.

Posted by 2013-06-06

Release of v1.0

This is a 32 bit release for bitbyter os.
Actual date of release was 19th july 2012.
I am in the final year for my professional course and so will be slowing the development till next year. In the mean time i will be planing and programming small tools for the betterment of this project.(I should not seem dead.)

Posted by 2012-07-29 Labels: Bitbyter Os Release 1.0

Beta for Local Testers

A beta was released for the local testers on wednesday i.e 20 June,2012.
It will be finalised and released by 1st week of July.

Posted by 2012-06-21 Labels: BitByter OS Beta

Announcment of BitByter OS

This project was started as some help to my friends who din't even know that linux,ubuntu os is free.

Later i realised that this project can be taken country wide and global.

The development for this os started in late May. It was a bit delayed in June. But it will be 100% ready by 1st week of July.

I hope that you like this product and if any improvements and suggestions do put it on the forum.

Thank You,

Posted by 2012-06-21 Labels: BitByter OS Announcment Start