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Why another AVRdude frontend?

AVRdude is awesome. Every programmer I own including several that are home made can all be used to program any of my projects new or old using this one little cryptic command.

There are already a swag of AVRdude frontends. I should know, for years I trawled the web lazily looking at whatever I could find to make AVRdude easier to control.

What I ended up with was a collection of different frontends, each focusing on a different AVRdude feature set while not paying much attention to the rest. The good frontend that worked with STK500 could only use mega chips. The good frontend that worked with my old at90s projects would only use UsbASP. Other frontends lacked fuse calculators and other basic features and so the story continued.... read more

Posted by Nick Metcalfe 2012-12-18

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Posted by Nick Metcalfe 2012-12-17