
Building Alpha

Joseph Walter

Building Alpha

From humble beginnings

In this post, Buiding Alpha, we will walk you through how we built Bit-OS_Alpha.iso

If you are considering building your own Linux Distro, we strongly suggest you join Bit-OS, because there is strength in numbers, and ... see the philosophy post.

Step 1) Download Linux Mint. We chose Linux Mint Maya Cinnamon AMD64 because it is the latest LTS, Long Term Support, release. Cinnamon is the hottest desktop environment. And AMD64 because, well, if you are running a 32 bit processor, it is time to upgrade.

2) Download mintconstructor. This can be found in the Linux Mint Repository. To install in Ubuntu you will first have to install mint-translations, then mint-common, then mintconstructor.

Pete Navarro posted an excellet tutorial for Remastering Linux Mint here.

3) Run mintconstructor, choose New, select an empty working directory and the iso downloaded in step 1 and click next.

4) Update Linux Mint Maya, in the xterm type apt-get update, then apt-get upgrade. Select "i" whenever prompted. When completed upgrading restart computer and rerun mintconstructor and continue adding onto current project.

5) Install Bitcoin Wallet, at the chroot terminal run the following commands

apt-add-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin
apt-get update
apt-get install bitcoin-qt

6) Install cgminer, Download the following two files:

in a terminal copy the two files to the root of the bit-os filesystem

    sudo cp /Downloads/cgminer_3.3.1-1_amd64.deb /bit-os/root/
    sudo cp /Downloads/ocl-icd-libopencl1_1.3-3_amd64.deb /bit-os/root/

in the mintconstructor chroot xterm

    apt-get install libjansson4
    dpkg -i ocl-icd-libopencl1_1.3-3_amd64.deb
    dpkg -i cgminer_3.3.1-1_amd64.deb

~Note for author, from here on the image needs to be updated

7) Install OpenCL SDK, Download AMD-APP-SDK-v2.8.1.0-lnx64.tgz and move to root

sudo cp /Downloads/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.8.1.0-lnx64.tgz /bit-os/root/

in the chroot xterm (bit-os)

    tar xvzf AMD-APP-SDK-v2.8.1.0-lnx64.tgz

TODO: add [AMD License Agreement]( to project ...somehow, somewhere

8) Install python-bitcoinrpc

tar xvzf 
run "sudo python install"

9) install Bit-OS Mining Screensaver,

download [miningScreensaver](
tar xvzf /Download/bit-os 
sudo cp /Download/bit-os/* /root/opt/bit-os
sudo chmod 755 /root/opt/bit-os/miningScreensaver

10) Setup Startup,

open /root/*StartUp*, add bitcoin devcoin and /root/opt/bit-os/miningScreensaver


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