
Birthright Turn Processing Utility / News: Recent posts

BirMail: v4.1.23.66 Released

New to version

* Fixed issue stopping a database export, (the holding data export tried to
export to a column with a "?" in the column name (which isn't allowed).

Posted by Mark Andrews 2006-07-09

BirMail: v4.1.21.63 Released

New to version

* Province ruling/loyalty options added to config.

* Changed automatic turn email functionality to send turns as text attachments
instead of sending the turn as inline text.

* Adding EMail attachment options to the DM Options. Allowing the DM to choose
if they want to send turns out as attachments as well as allowing the DM to
set the description displayed in the main email body.
Attachments are currently text only with the name <initials>_turn_<turnnum>.txt... read more

Posted by Mark Andrews 2004-03-12

BirMail: v4.1.19.58 Released

Latest BirMail program and templates released:

New to version

* FR-762637 - Added Opaqueness to realm areas so the map can be seen behind.
The value can only be set in the DM config settings, not on the map screen
as with all the other options.

* Web template changes - Added three new style options in the web config,
(Character, Holding and Turn Due). The new templates use these colours when
creating the web pages. This should remove all of the hard coded colours
from the templates (meaning that if you want a yellow background the
character names and turn due date won't disappear).... read more

Posted by Mark Andrews 2003-07-13

BirMail: v4.1.17.57 Released

Latest BirMail released.

New to version

* FR-711105 - There is a new option to let you set at what level sources can
scout a province. This includes armies, ships, buildings etc... The option
also lets you stop sources from scouting completely. The option can be
found on the rules tab in the program configuration.

* FR-723707 - Config option for level of source required to maintain a ley line
hookup. Also improving the messages sent to the character and DM when ley
lines rollback or delete due to no holdings at either end of a ley line.... read more

Posted by Mark Andrews 2003-06-07

BirMail: v4.1.16.57 Released

v4.1.16.57 just released, including a MAJOR BUG FIX, that previously stopped files with DM turn logs in them from loading!!!

Posted by Mark Andrews 2003-04-28

BirMail: v4.1.14.57 Released

Latest BirMail program released:
New to version

* Bug-711096, fixed making sea trade routes to places unknown make
half their province level in GB. Also fixed a minor display error I
noticed where it previously said Gain: 3.5, Ships carry 4 of 4GB. This
doesn't affect the actual money gained but now displays correctly.

* Bug-711103: Characters that don't have the admin or leadership
NWP's do not get an admin or leadership roll when taxes are being produced.
Previously admin displayed but rolled against 0 (always failing), and
leadership used to default to 7 and was always rolled.... read more

Posted by Mark Andrews 2003-04-17

Birthright: v4.1.13.56 Released

Latest version of BirMail was recently released, including the ability to use secure SMTP servers to send emails as well as a number of other additions (see change log for complete list).

Posted by Mark Andrews 2003-03-15

Birthright: v4.1.12.56 Released

Latest version released including a number of Bug fixes and feature requests.

Posted by Mark Andrews 2003-02-09

Birthright: v4.1.11.56 Released

BirMail released, including next phase of BirWeb action processing, and spell modifications.

New to version


All of the basic operations in the new BirWeb action system are now
complete. Actions can be imported from the BirWeb system, as well as
the basic automatic running system now works.

When actions have been imported, click run auto and each action will
be called in turn. Eventually these actions won't always open their
associated window if not required, however for the moment each action
opens the standard action entry window. ... read more

Posted by Mark Andrews 2003-01-26

Birthright: v4.1.10.52 Released

BirMail finally released, including phase one of the new action system, and an upgraded UI.

New to version 40110052:

* NEW ACTION SYSTEM STARTED - Phase one of the new action system is now
complete (hence this release). Actions can now be imported from a csv
file, they are then displayed on the screen (actions tab in main window).
Currently you can select an action and the program will autopmatically
populate the action type, character and bid fields when you select
'Run action'.... read more

Posted by Mark Andrews 2002-12-07

Birthright: v4.1.8.46 Released

New to version 40108046:

* Spells Cast View modified to modify the main combo's so that they change
dependant on the spell type. If you create a new spell you'll still have
to apply changes after changing spell type in order to change combo's.

* Population Growth Spell added, automatically checking for growth before
running taxes (after action 3). This saves the DM a lot of time having
to manually check for success.... read more

Posted by Mark Andrews 2002-08-05

v4.1.7.45 Released

Latest release of the BirMail program is now available, completing the map creation software, fixing a few minor base data issues (rivers weren't all correctly entered - as found when they drew on the maps!)

Also the base web pages have been updated to remove some of the old comments created for the le_br game when BirMail first started.

Storing a line break in the web configuration previously left a |SLASHN| in the main front page. This is now replaced with a proper HTML line break.

Posted by Mark Andrews 2002-07-18

v4.1.6.45 Released

Version released including updated Templates and base data. Base web pages now create their own directories and the web pages create area maps.

Posted by Mark Andrews 2002-06-29

v4.1.5.44 Released

Latest version of the program released, including a simplified turn system for the DM, no just select 'next turn state' to move to the next action and roll taxes etc... (Instead of having to select 'update turns' and 'roll taxes' etc...

The trade system has been revised to put it in line with the base rule books, also including many DM options including control over the TR disappearance chances.

Army units that a character can't afford are automatically flagged as unpaid and an action has been added to allow players to pay those units. If still unpaid at the end of the turn they will show up as unpaid in scouting reports, and will then disband.

Posted by Mark Andrews 2002-06-07

v4.1.4.41 Released

Latest version released including:

This provides 2 fixes as well as the extra action "Flag army unit", This should reduce the number of problems Duane is having as well as speed up turn processing where people want to flag units!

Posted by Mark Andrews 2002-05-12

v4.1.3.41 Released

Latest version released to add holding limits and bring in the template web page system for users who wish to customise the web output.

Posted by Mark Andrews 2002-05-06

Web Templates released

The BirMail web templates have just been released in the files section.

Templates allow people to customise the web output created by the program so that the program can simply update a web page created by you rather than you having to work out how to add our pages into your system!

Posted by Mark Andrews 2002-05-03

v4.1.2.41 Released

v4.1.2.41 released, including a MAJOR bugfix introduced at v4.1.0.41 (where lists weren't working properly).

Posted by Mark Andrews 2002-03-27

Released v4.1.0.41

Latest version of the program (v4.1.0.41) released, to co-incide with le_br turns. The version number has finally been increased to 4.1 from 4.0.

Posted by Mark Andrews 2002-02-26

Project moved to

We moved the BirMail project to sourceforge and look forward to all the new opertunities available now...

Posted by Mark Andrews 2002-01-25