

Tobias Otto
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How can I use the paradigms in the BiopsyToolbox

This small HowTo describes how to start the paradigms in the BiopsyToolbox in detail. If you're familiar with MATLAB you might leave out a few steps or simply start programming ;)

We assume that you already downloaded the BiopsyToolbox and that you tried out the examples. If not please do this first and read the "How can I use the examples in the BiopsyToolbox" entry. After that try the paradigms.

  • The paradigms are stored in a separate zip file. After downloading the zip file unzip with your favourite zip program. After successfully unzipping the folder structure should look like this:

  • Let's assume you want to try out the "forcedChoice" example

  • Start MATLAB and wait until it's loaded. After that change the current directory in MATLAB to the folder of the example "forcedChoice"

  • To start the paradigm type forcedChoice into the command Window in MATLAB and enjoy.


Biopsytoolbox Wiki: ExamplesInTheToolbox
Biopsytoolbox Wiki: Main_Page