
Biogenesis compilation as main download.

  • MarcoA

    MarcoA - 2015-04-10

    Well, most people still seem to download Joan Queralts 0.8 version from 2010.

    I don´t want to exchange the "latest" spot with my Color Mod because it doesn´t fit with the Biogenesis homepage and some people might not like it.

    But as I have now fixed most known bugs (all major bugs I know), that are in 0.8, it would be rational to create a fixed 0.8 version with all translations. I may call it 0.9.

    And I could upload the fixed version including my Color Mod and the X Mod. Other mods are too small or not in a polished state?

    What should I include in 0.9?

    Bug fix for disappearing organism:
    -Fixed a bug, where you couldn´t change the value for the parameter
    "Energy lost by dead organisms".
    -Fixed a bug, where the statistics window didn´t work in empty worlds.

    -"Better" function to create random organisms, independent from symmetry
    [That means, more or less, that we need Initial complexity too]
    -Through mutation organisms can have between 1 and 840 segments (was 4-64)
    -Now randomization of symmetry is completely random. Was biased with
    respect to similar symmetries, but created much more 1-symmetric organisms,
    if the mother was 8-symmetric. For this reason I changed it.

    All translations...

    Maybe generation conflict and sibling rivalry (also was in Primordial Life)?
    And GRAY default costs should be higher?
    Tylers Backup button?

    For me these are useful and not confusing or game changing.

    • AdaM

      AdaM - 2015-04-16

      Sounds good - especially the bugfixes & translations.
      If you managed to have better balance in the game I'd appreciate it too.

      But consider also that the homepage is the only "how-to" / documentation that can be read by unexperienced users.

      Would be also great to have an X Mod download at the original sourceforge homepage.
      Joan gave me access to the git repository, so I uploaded the X Mod branch.

      BTW: I did not fix the last bug you reported ( in X Mod since it did not appear yet (

  • MarcoA

    MarcoA - 2015-04-17

    The biogenesis.jar file is very small and that would make it easy and unproblematic to upload everything as compilation including mods in a subfolder "mods". I am not saying that people have to use my mod, but it really seems that most people simply use the main download and never look anywhere else xD, even though 0.8 is more than 4 years old and something fresh might be interesting.

    I know that a fixed 0.8 (new 0.9) shouldn´t really have new features because of consistency with the homepage. And I would have to complete my README for the Color Mod (I am lazy)

    Balance problems exist (my opinion of course) with the GRAY segment in 0.8 (at least with default settings).

    But now, that Joan seems to be somewhat active again, I would like to hear his opinion.
    Maybe he wants to upload a 0.9 version himself and update the homepage (if necessary)?!

    Shouldn´t be a bad idea to update the main download for this great program again. It is a bit crazy, I am using this program since 2009 and I am still fascinated (also because of my modding efforts of course). If everyone was like me, Joan would be a well known game developer xD^^.

  • MarcoA

    MarcoA - 2015-07-24

    Ok, I am an admin now.

    Anything I should know @Joan?
    Any plans?

    P.S: I also have a new PC now where I can test the Color Mod with 160000 CO2.

    • Joan Queralt

      Joan Queralt - 2015-08-30

      Hi MarcoA, I tried to send you an email, but it got bounced.

      I added you and AdaM to the admins of the project on July. As I am not contributing to Biogenesis and you are very active and have made major progresses, I think it is fair and it is the best for the project that you two being admins.

      Now you can merge your mods with the main code, if you like. And you can release new versions with the bugs you have solved, and new translations. Also, you can announce them, and the new versions of your mods (even if you choose to keep them in separated projects) on the web.

      I think that it is important for the users of Biogenesis to know that this progress is going on, so they can download the most updated versions. And it is important too that they know who is really making this new versions.

      I can help with the Spanish and Catalan translations of the updates you add to the web, and with any doubt you have regarding the original source code.

      Also, I would like to thank you and AdaM for taking care of Biogenesis, and giving so much of your time to it. I really appreciate it.

      • Tyler

        Tyler - 2015-08-31

        I approve of this course of action. I may not know AdaM yet, but MarcoA
        seems to have a humble and engaging attitude regarding the game and his
        modding of it. I may not have much to do with Biogenesis anymore, but I'd
        still recommend it as a cool project and a relatively good example of open

        Tyler Coleman

        On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 9:56 AM, Joan Queralt wrote:

        Hi MarcoA, I tried to send you an email, but it got bounced.

        I added you and AdaM to the admins of the project on July. As I am not
        contributing to Biogenesis and you are very active and have made major
        progresses, I think it is fair and it is the best for the project that you
        two being admins.

        Now you can merge your mods with the main code, if you like. And you can
        release new versions with the bugs you have solved, and new translations.
        Also, you can announce them, and the new versions of your mods (even if you
        choose to keep them in separated projects) on the web.

        I think that it is important for the users of Biogenesis to know that this
        progress is going on, so they can download the most updated versions. And
        it is important too that they know who is really making this new versions.

        I can help with the Spanish and Catalan translations of the updates you
        add to the web, and with any doubt you have regarding the original source

        Also, I would like to thank you and AdaM for taking care of Biogenesis,
        and giving so much of your time to it. I really appreciate it.

        Biogenesis compilation as main download.

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  • MarcoA

    MarcoA - 2015-09-05

    Hi Joan

    Thanks for replying.

    Quote:"Now you can merge your mods with the main code, if you like. And you can release new versions with the bugs you have solved, and new translations. Also, you can announce them, and the new versions of your mods (even if you choose to keep them in separated projects) on the web."

    Ok, I will upload the compilation as main download.
    It will include Biogenesis vanilla with bug fixes and translations, but will stay compatible with the page.
    It will also include my newest Color Mod and AdaMs X-Mod.

    Quote:"I think that it is important for the users of Biogenesis to know that this progress is going on, so they can download the most updated versions. And it is important too that they know who is really making this new versions."

    That´s what I thought when I created this thread. Letting the people see what is happening.

    Quote:"I can help with the Spanish and Catalan translations of the updates you add to the web, and with any doubt you have regarding the original source code."

    I will upload a beta version, so that you and AlexL (russian translation) can check if everything makes sense in Spanish, Catalan and Russian respectively. Everyone can also beta test it. The Color Mod version I will upload on the front page should better be balanced. xD

    Quote:"Also, I would like to thank you and AdaM for taking care of Biogenesis, and giving so much of your time to it. I really appreciate it."

    Well, thanks for creating it, I still have much fun modding and playing with Biogenesis. :)


    Thanks, I appreciate your encouragement.

  • cliftut

    cliftut - 2015-09-13

    This is a nice development! As someone who has been following this project for a few years off and on, I like to see an evolution sim that's getting some love. Thank you to everyone who has contributed, this little program really is a gem!


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