
individual gene probability within organisms that mutate

  • Sloantothebone

    Sloantothebone - 2014-07-14

    If each organism had an individual setting identical to the ones found in parameters/genes, that mutate slightly with each reproduction, this might produce some interesting results, by giving the organism a degree of "control" over its own evolution

  • Spencer Chrysler

    That would be interesting...

    Isn't that called epigenetics in real life?

  • MarcoA

    MarcoA - 2014-11-14

    No, epigenetics is an acquired change of gene expression that lasts over many generations.
    There is nothing like it in Biogenesis.
    Well, the color Black is the only color, where individual organisms really acquire something, but this isn´t hereditary. A species learns to react (Teal) reasonable only by means of evolution.

    An individual mutation rate, that can mutate itself is surely possible, but I am still very skeptical. First, mutation rate is a soft gene cap (talked about it in another thread), second if the individual mutation rate is too fast, the evolution of these organisms might look unnatural.


    Last edit: MarcoA 2014-11-14
  • Tyler

    Tyler - 2014-11-14

    Hmm. I've been thinking, maybe our prejudices are swaying us away from this suggestion. We THINK we know what will happen, but we don't really know until we try, do we? It doesn't seem like such a difficult thing to add, to make the mutation rate gene-based instead of fixed. The experiment itself might be worthwhile if we keep an open mind.

    Marco, I believe you noted that you didn't know what you were doing next after 1.4. Would you like to try this suggestion and see what there is to learn from it? Worst case scenario, you leave it out of the next version, but you get to tell us what happened in your test runs that made it boring or otherwise not useful. (And I'm curious: what are you're criteria for a 'useful' change?)

  • MarcoA

    MarcoA - 2018-12-30

    Well, I implemented the individual mutation rate now.
    It is also restricted at the moment.
    Can be:
    1‰ (=0.1%)
    10‰ (= 1%)

    Normal mutation rate is still used to mutate the individual mutation rate only.

    I will probably change these values again, if the organisms in the world will cluster too much around high or low mutation rate values (I am not going over 5% for sure however). Evolution will decide what works better. Too high and there will be an error catastrophe, too low and they won´t adapt fast enough.

    P.S: Nothing uploaded yet.
    It is an individual mutation rate for the complete organism, not for individual genes. At least for now, but this should be good enough.


    Last edit: MarcoA 2018-12-30

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