
Interested in helping this Project

  • Jeffery Michael Sergent

    Hey Marco and everyone. I am an amateur programmer who is interested in playing around with the code of this game and adding stuff to it. I was also thinking about making my own new game about microbial evolution in Game Maker Studio 2 once I have enough experience with game design and programming. What does everyone think? Anything I can do to help?

  • MarcoA

    MarcoA - 2022-09-27

    Hi, I am an amateur programmer myself, and started with my Color Mod as a fan, when Joan Queralt stopped working on it. I am also the only active Admin now.

    Biogenesis is open source, and you can find the newest sourcecode of the Color Mod here: You can also just mod the vanilla simulation of course.

    If you add something substantial enough (like a new Color function, but that is only an example), I can also add your mod to the main download. And if it fits with the Color Mod, I will also merge it (and credit you), although changes to it are to be expected in that case, to enhance balance for example.


    Last edit: MarcoA 2022-09-27

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