
Next Color Mod version will include eyes :)

  • MarcoA

    MarcoA - 2018-09-22

    Not even implemented yet, but tested all the parts of the code.

    These will be terminal (if it is not terminal the eye segment will be changed into another color, so that no segment can start at the end of an eye) segments, that do not collide with other segments (eyes can overlap with everything else and each other), but if the eyes touch another segment, the organism will be able to use teal reactions, without being in danger already (other organisms cannot react to "touching" eye segments). This should create more intelligent behaviours hopefully ;).

    Balance problems might be more than possible however. If someone wants the final version without eyes (the balance was good already), I can upload it for you.

    Have to implement eyes now, hype! :P^^

  • MarcoA

    MarcoA - 2018-09-22

    Ok, eyes are working now :)
    Hoping that some of the organisms evolve to use them.

  • MarcoA

    MarcoA - 2018-09-23

    Nice, everything works now. :)

    Have some orange hunters with eyes and small parasites in the same game.

  • MarcoA

    MarcoA - 2018-09-30

    Dark Teal segments in front (right) are his eyes. Eye segments are 1,5 * longer than normal segments. These segments do not collide, but the organism can react to what it sees, and they do not change color, even when the organism attacks or when it dies (to make it more clear that they aren´t meant to be solid).


    Last edit: MarcoA 2018-09-30
  • MarcoA

    MarcoA - 2018-09-30

    Virus with one eye.

    Organisms wih cyan segments can use the reactions of the eye segment too btw, but won´t react to being touched (as it always was). Organisms with teal segments and eyes will react to touch and vision.

  • cliftut

    cliftut - 2018-10-25

    Sounds awesome! even if I'm not very present I always return to this program at intervals. I kind of wish it could go up on steam honestly, it's one of my favorite "games". ;) I look forward to trying out the new version.

    So I take it forcing the eyes to be end segments hasn't hurt their appearance rates too badly?

  • MarcoA

    MarcoA - 2018-10-26

    Glad you still like it. :)

    I cannot port it to Steam, Joan Queralt would have to do this.

    Well, if an eye mutation occurs for a non terminal segment, it will turn into a non functional segment immediately. Therefore the real appearance rate will be less than the adjusted probability. But you can raise the probability, if you want them to appear more often.

    There can still be more than one eye segment by the way because of branching, which is only part of the color mod.

  • MarcoA

    MarcoA - 2018-12-19

    I will upload the newest version for christmas, or a few days before. :)

    There will also be a large README file (already finished more than half of it and still motivated) this time ;)

    Also made all bug fixes for Biogenesis 0.8 to upload a vanilla 0.9 version.

    A compilation will be the main download and it will include Vanilla Biogenesis 0.9, the Color Mod and AdaMs X Mod


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