Read Me
Rainbow v2.0.4
Rainbow package consists of several programs used for RAD-seq related
clustering and de novo assembly.
Type 'make' to compile Rainbow package. You can copy the executables/scripts
to your specific location (e.g. a directory in your $PATH). Or you can set
the PATH environment that leads to this directory.
Usage of Rainbow package
EXAMPLE: a typical use of Rainbow step by step
rainbow cluster -1 1.fq -2 2.fq > rbcluster.out 2> log
rainbow div -i rbcluster.out -o rbdiv.out
rainbow merge -o rbasm.out -a -i rbdiv.out -N500
The final output file of 'rainbow merge -a' is based on the final merged
clusters. Each cluster has been locally assembled by 'rainbow merge -a'. For
each cluster, rainbow outputs all assembled contigs seperated by '//' for each
E clusterID
C contigID1
L length
S sequence
N #reads
R readIDs
C contigID2
L length
S sequence
N #reads
R readIDs
We have also provided four simple perl scripts that can be used to extract the assembly
information:,,, extracts all the assembled contigs, i.g., all the
records and extract the longest and
the longest plus the second longest contigs for the final clusters,
respectively, as, it extracts the longest contig for each cluster. Besides, it also outputs the read1. If read1 overlaps with the contig, it joins the two as a whole. If read1 does not overlap with the contig, it pads 10 'X' to join the read1 and the contig, thus generating a long contig.
rainbow 2.0.3 -- <,>
Usage: rainbow <cmd> [options]
Input File Format: paired fasta/fastq file(s)
Output File Format: <seqid:int>\t<cluster_id:int>\t<read1:string>\t<read2:string>
-1 <string> Input fasta/fastq file, supports multiple '-1'
-2 <string> Input fasta/fastq file, supports multiple '-2' [null]
-l <int> Read length, default: 0 variable
-m <int> Maximum mismatches [4]
-e <int> Exactly matching threshold [2000]
-L Low level of polymorphism
Input File Format: <seqid:int>\t<cluster_id:int>\t<read1:string>\t<read2:string>
Output File Format: <seqid:int>\t<cluster_id:int>\t<read1:string>\t<read2:string>[\t<pre_cluster_id:int>]
-i <string> Input rainbow cluster output file [stdin]
-o <string> Output file [stdout]
-k <int> K_allele, min variants to create a new group [2]
-K <int> K_allele, divide regardless of frequency when num of variants exceed this value [50]
-f <float> Frequency, min variant frequency to create a new group [0.2]
Input File Format: <seqid:int>\t<cluster_id:int>\t<read1:string>\t<read2:string>[\t<pre_cluster_id:int>]
-i <string> Input rainbow div output file [stdin]
-a output assembly
-o <string> Output file [stdout]
-N <int> Maximum number of divided clusters to merge [300]
-l <int> Minimum overlap when assemble two reads (valid only when '-a' is opened) [5]
-f <float> Minimum fraction of similarity when assembly (valid only when '-a' is opened) [0.90]
-r <int> Minimum number of reads to assemble (valid only when '-a' is opened) [5]
-R <int> Maximum number of reads to assemble (valid only when '-a' is opened) [300]
rbasm: a greedy assembler to locally assemble each cluster produced by rainbow or the other
tools. This has been integrated into the merge module. Please always open '-a' option when running
'rainbow merge'.
Local assemble fragments around restriction sites
NOTE: the input file format should be: <seqid:int>\t<cluster_id:int>\t<read1:string>\t<read2:string>[\t<pre_cluster_id:int>]
Usage: rbasm [options]
-i <string> Input file [STDIN]
-o <string> Output file [STDOUT]
-l <int> Minium length of overlap [5]
-s <float> Minium similiarity of overlap [0.90]
-r <int> Minium reads to execute assembly [5]
-R <int> Maxium reads to execute assembly [200]
<Obsoleted> rbmergetag: a program merges divided results to evaluate clustering performance.
Users should omit this program when de novo assembling RAD-seq reads.
Usage: rbmergetag [options]
-i <string> Input file name [stdin]
-o <string> Output file name [stdout]
-j <cns|merge> Job type, cns: consensus, merge: merging, [merge]
-m <int> Maximum mismatches to merge two groups [1]
-h Show this document
Change log:
v2.0.1: README and usage infomation updated
v2.0.2: 'merge' options are riched. The 'merge' assembly work can be customized like rbasm now. Thanks Ross Whetten in NCSU for advicing this.
v2.0.3: changed the name of script '' to '', and documented it.
v2.0.4: fixed a bug that rainbow cannot be compiled in Mac OS