


BWA is a program for aligning sequencing reads against a large reference genome (e.g. human genome). It has two major components, one for read shorter than 150bp and the other for longer reads.

Project Members:


  • Ryan Yeo

    Ryan Yeo - 2017-02-11

    Hi, I have a .fa.pac file but I want to convert it into a .fa file. How should I go about doing it?

  • adawn

    adawn - 2017-03-09

    it's nice software !

  • Hanan Begali

    Hanan Begali - 2018-07-01
    Post awaiting moderation.
  • Pattern

    Pattern - 2021-07-08

    Hi, I noticed bwa mem output does not contain @HD in it's sam file. This may be added later by samtools. But @HD seems to be required by picards. So currently I run into error message by running picard directly on bwa output. Is this a general feature or did I not use the correct options? Thanks so much!

  • xiaoxuepang

    xiaoxuepang - 2021-08-25

    I am working on ancient DNA data, found that someone used version BWA-0.5.10 BAM2BAM, but I could not find the installation of this version,I have download the version 0.5.10 at the following address,but After installation,it show the version 0.5.9-r26-dev ,there is not 'bam2bam' parameter.


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