
Binary Converter / News: Recent posts

Get set...

Okay, BinConv I CLI is out for those that want to know what happened to it. It uses MFC, so don't immediately expect to compile it on *nix :( .

Posted by Thomas Stagner 2004-05-29

On your mark...

I'm beginning work on 2.0 for this project! Expect a slew of changes because I'm writing it from scratch. What will I change? You can expect these:
A) Uses the .NET Framework, which makes things just a shmidget easier on my part ;) .
B) Now uses Plug-Ins. Gone is the whole built-in, hard-to-understand converters. They will be replaced with .NET DLLs.
C) Full COM Plug-In support is planned, but it may not be present in the first release of BinConv II.
D) If I can figure out how to, I may add support for Native DLLs.... read more

Posted by Thomas Stagner 2004-03-03

Pardon my dust...

Sorry I haven't updated in forever, but I really, badly, need bug reports. The CLI version is coming soon, and someday I'll be able to compile the GUI into an EXE... Expect an update sometime...

Posted by Thomas Stagner 2004-01-05