Klaus Toscher - 2012-06-03

short docu for project BIN2MOT / MOT2BIN 03-jun-2012

Author: Klaus Toscher, mail: klaus.toscher at web.de

These good old programs are very useful to convert Motorola S-records to binary
files and vice versa. A lot of options help to modify/change the input file
before writing to the selected output.
Mostly these programs are used to prepare images for software loading. Some additional data has to be extended before the files can be flashed in a system.
It was necessary to write this code new, because the existing executables
under MSFT Windows are linked under 16bit DOS. The source code isn't available
in the internet. Due to this i decide to make a new impl. and set it under the
GPL2 license.
The code can run under Windows or Linux. Feel free to chose your build

REMARK: the behavior has a little bit changed in comparision to old DOS impl.
This version append the suffix to the completed original filename and
doesn't change the extension of a file.

directory structure
/bin<BR> contains the binaries for debug/release version

/doc<BR> contains this docu text and other info, if available

/make<BR> contains Makefile (Linux) and .sln/.vcproj (Microsoft Visual Studio solution)

/src<BR> contains source code and header files

Usage: mot2bin -Lnnn -Pnnn -Onnn -M -Q <motfile> [binfile]\n
default values: []
-> all numbers only in hexadecimal notation
-Ln Binary file length [0x0000]
-Pn Pad byte for binary file [0xFF]
-On Address offset [0x0000] (to add to Motorola records)
-M Merge data into existing binary file
-Q Quiet mode (no statistics are displayed)
-? This help text
<inputfile> of input data stream
if no [binfile] is given, <motfile>.bin\" is used for binary outputfile

Usage: bin2mot -Lnnn -Innn -Onnn -M -2 -3 -H -T -A -Q <binfile> [motfile]
default values: []
-Ln Bytes to read from binary file [0x0000]
-In Binary file starting offset [0x0000]
-On Output file address offset [0x0000] (where S-Record data starts)
-M Merge data into existing Motorola file\n (not supp.)
-2 Generate S2/S8 records
-3 Generate S3/S7 records
-H Exclude S0 header record
-T Exclude S7/S8/S9 trailer record
-A Append new data to end of existing Motorola file
-Q Quiet mode (no statistics are displayed)
-? This help text
<binfile> of input data stream
if no [motfile] is given, <binfile>.mot is used for motorola outputfile


Last edit: Klaus Toscher 2012-06-27