
Bika in Spanish

After publication of the 'How to' translate Bika at the Bika SourceForge community site, a Spanish translation has been completed by Luis Diego Espinoza of the Laboratorio Nacional de Materiales y Modelos Estructurales - Universidad de Costa Rica and the dictionary made available for download.

The 'How to' describes in 8 easy steps how to create and run Bika dictionaries of LIMS phrases in the language of your choice. Dutch and Italian have been added earlier to the original Afrikaans and English translations

Plone and Bika implement language selection via browser settings. Where the corresponding dictionary files for Plone and Bika exist on the installation, all pages will be displayed in the language selected for your browser

Bika community at

Bika Language customisation How to:

New translations are available as 'Patches':

Luis Diego Espinoza
Laboratorio Nacional de Materiales y Modelos Estructurales - LanammeUCR
Universidad de Costa Rica

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Note that the translation is created in Spanish (Costa Rican) and may be tweaked for European Spanish purposes.

Posted by Joris Goudriaan 2006-01-19

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