
Blazegraph 2.0 Release Candidate Available

SystapSiteBanner_1600x362_150px_wideWe're very pleased to announce the Blazegraph 2.0 Release Candidate.  2.0 release is a Major release of Blazegraph.    There are some very exciting changes for query performance, load performance, improvement deployment options, migration to maven, moving to github, and many more.   This lays the foundation for new features with Tinkerpop3 support, GPU Acceleration, etc.   We wanted to give the Blazegraph community a chance to take a peak at 2.0 and give us feedback.   Download it, clone it, have it sent via carrier pigeon (transportation charges may apply), but definitely take a look at let us know your thoughts.  Find a bug, hit JIRA.  Have a question, try the mailing list or contact-us.


We love Sourceforge, but today it's important to be on github as well.  This release will be on both Github and Sourceforge.  We'll continue to use Sourceforge for distribution, mailing lists, etc., but will migrate towards Github for the open source releases.

git clone -b BLAZEGRAPH_RELEASE_2_0_0_RC1 --single-branch BLAZEGRAPH_RELEASE_2_0_0_RC1

Query Performance

We've implemented Symmetric Hash Joins  and provided a number of improvements and new features for query performance and optimizations.  For those of you that followed Dr. Michael Schmidt's excellent posts on the 1.5.2 features.   These improvement represent a continuation of this work.  Let us know how it works for you.  As always, query optimization is a place where we'd love to help you get your application tuned for the best performance.


Everybody loves (and hates) Maven.  Starting with this release, Blazegraph has been broken into a collection of maven artifacts.    This has enabled us to work on new features like TinkerPop3, which require Java 8 support while keeping the core platform at Java 7 to support users who are still there.   Checkout the Maven Notes on the wiki for full details on the architecture, getting started with development, building snapshots, etc.  If you have a 1.5.3 version checked out in Eclipse, you will want to pay attention to Getting Started with Eclipse and allocate a little extra time for the transition.

So long /bigdata, nice to have known you…

Starting with the 2.0 release, default service context is /blazegraph, i.e. http://localhost:9999/blazegraph/.  This is setup to redirect from /bigdata.    We are continuing to provide the bigdata.war and bigdata.jar archives, which by default point to /bigdata as part of the distribution, but this will be discontinued at some point in the future.  We encourage all users to migration to the /blazegraph context with this release.

If you are currently using a serviceURL like http://localhost:9999/bigdata/sparql and want to continue, you'll need to use bigdata.war, bigdata.jar, or customize the jetty.xml for your deployer.     If not, they new default serviceURL is http://localhost:9999/blazegraph/sparql.


2.0.0 provides  Debian Deployer, an RPM Deployer, and a Tarball.  In addition to the war and jar archives.   We're interested in feedback on these, so please test it out and let us know.


Is coming soon!  It will be released as a separate artifact requiring Java 8.

Blazegraph Benchmarking

Be on the lookup for published benchmarks along with the official 2.0.0 release.

Enterprise Features (HA and Scale-out)

Starting in release 2.0.0, the Scale-out and HA capabilities are moved to Enterprise features. These are available to uses with support and/or license subscription. If you are an existing GPLv2 user of these features, we have some easy ways to migrate. Contact us for more information. We'd like to make it as easy as possible.

Much, much, more….

There also many other features for improved data loading, building custom vocabularies, and many more that will be coming out in a series of blog posts along with the official release, which is expected in early January 2016.

Stay in touch, we'd love to hear from you.


Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-12-22

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