
Blazegraph 1.5.2 Preview and Bloor Group Briefing Room

Blazegraph 1.5.2 Release Preview

We're in the final stages of the Blazegraph 1.5.2 release.    This is major release for Blazegraph and brings both exciting new features as well as important performance and query optimizations.  You can see the full set of tickets for the release here (it's our first one since we've migrated to JIRA).

Check it out when the release goes final (we'll send a mailing list), but here's some of the new features and improvements:

  • External SOLR Search Integration:  Use the SPARQL Service keyword to search content externally stored in SOLR.
  • Substantial refactoring of the Query Plan Generator in close collaboration with our partner, Metaphacts.  This both fixes a number of bugs in the query optimizer and improves performance.
  • Fixes and improvements for embedded and remote clients including Blueprints and Rexster.
  • Online Backup for the non-HA Blazegraph Server.

Did you see Blazegraph featured in the Bloor Group Briefing room?

Blazegraph was recently featured in the Bloor Group Briefing room. Check out the video presentation below, if you missed it.

We'd love to hear from you.

Do you have a cool new application using Blazegraph or are interested in understanding how to make Blazegraph work best for your application?    Get in touch or send us an email at blazegraph at


Posted by SourceForge Robot 2015-07-13

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