
Bi-Directional BLAST Analysis Tool / News: Recent posts

Application Released

The application is available from

Posted by João Feio Almeida 2009-07-14


This tool was designed to allow common researchers with common informatic resources (a standard pc running Windows XP, Vista was not tested) to compare a set of ORFs with a given reference set of annotated ORFs. The sets can range from a few FASTA encoded sequences to the full ORF complement of a given genome. Each query sequence will be checked (‘blasted’) against every reference sequence and back (bi-directional BLAST) in order to detect putative orthologue genes. Subsequently every pair of matching sequences, detected either in just one or both directions will be refined by global alignment and relevant statistics will be collected about each match. The process ends with GO ontology assignment and a tentative clustering of putative paralogue genes. The analysis can be stopped at any level and the relevant parameters are fully customisable. ... read more

Posted by João Feio Almeida 2007-07-09