
xml2ris (v4.15) incorrectly converts the publication date to "PY - DA - yyyy//"

  • Matthias Steffens


    when converting MODS XML to RIS using Bibutils v4.15, the publication year (e.g., "2003") gets converted into "PY - DA - 2003//" instead of just "PY - 2003" or "DA - 2003//".

    As an example, this command:

    xml2ris -i utf8 -o utf8 DA_test.xml > DA_test.ris

    with file 'DA_test.xml' containing:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <modsCollection xmlns="">
        <mods version="3.2" ID="Aberle+Witte2003Deep-sea">
                <title>Deep-sea macrofauna exposed to a simulated sedimentation event in the abyssal NE Atlantic: in situ pulse-chase experiments using ¹³C-labelled phytodetritus</title>
            <name type="personal">
                <namePart type="family">Aberle</namePart>
                <namePart type="given">N</namePart>
                    <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="text">author</roleTerm>
            <name type="personal">
                <namePart type="family">Witte</namePart>
                <namePart type="given">U</namePart>
                    <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="text">author</roleTerm>
            <note>exported from refbase (, last updated on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 22:24:16 +0200</note>
            <identifier type="doi">10.3354/meps251037</identifier>
            <identifier type="citekey">Aberle+Witte2003Deep-sea</identifier>
            <relatedItem type="host">
                    <title>Marine Ecology Progress Series</title>
                <titleInfo type="abbreviated">
                    <title>Mar Ecol Prog Ser</title>
                        <placeTerm type="text">Oldendorf/Luhe</placeTerm>
                <genre authority="marcgt">periodical</genre>
                <genre>academic journal</genre>
                    <detail type="volume">
                    <extent unit="page">
                <identifier type="issn">0171-8630</identifier>
        <mods version="3.2" ID="Arrigo2003PrimProd">
                <title>Primary production in sea ice</title>
            <name type="personal">
                <namePart type="family">Arrigo</namePart>
                <namePart type="given">K</namePart>
                <namePart type="given">R</namePart>
                    <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="text">author</roleTerm>
            <note>exported from refbase (, last updated on Mon, 18 Oct 2010 12:17:39 +0200</note>
            <identifier type="doi">10.1002/9780470757161.ch5</identifier>
            <identifier type="citekey">Arrigo2003PrimProd</identifier>
            <relatedItem type="host">
                    <title>Sea ice – an introduction to its physics, chemistry, biology and geology</title>
                <name type="personal">
                    <namePart type="family">Thomas</namePart>
                    <namePart type="given">D</namePart>
                    <namePart type="given">N</namePart>
                        <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="text">editor</roleTerm>
                <name type="personal">
                    <namePart type="family">Dieckmann</namePart>
                    <namePart type="given">G</namePart>
                    <namePart type="given">S</namePart>
                        <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="text">editor</roleTerm>
                    <publisher>Blackwell Science Ltd</publisher>
                        <placeTerm type="text">Oxford</placeTerm>
                <genre authority="marcgt">book</genre>
                    <extent unit="page">
                <identifier type="isbn">0-632-05808-0</identifier>
        <mods version="3.2" ID="Assur1958">
                <title>Composition of sea ice and its tensile strength</title>
            <name type="personal">
                <namePart type="family">Assur</namePart>
                <namePart type="given">A</namePart>
                    <roleTerm authority="marcrelator" type="text">author</roleTerm>
                <publisher>National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council</publisher>
                    <placeTerm type="text">Washington DC</placeTerm>
            <note>exported from refbase (, last updated on Wed, 24 Nov 2010 09:32:32 +0100</note>
            <identifier type="citekey">Assur1958</identifier>
            <relatedItem type="host">
                    <title>Arctic sea ice: proceedings of the conference conducted by the Division of Earth Sciences and supported by the Office of Naval Research</title>
                    <publisher>National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council</publisher>
                        <placeTerm type="text">Washington DC</placeTerm>
                <genre authority="marcgt">conference publication</genre>
                    <extent unit="page">
                <relatedItem type="series">
                        <title>National Research Council Publications</title>
                    <titleInfo type="abbreviated">
                        <title>Nat Res Council Publ</title>
                        <detail type="volume">

    results in this RIS output in file 'DA_test.ris':

    TY  - JOUR
    AU  - Aberle, N.
    AU  - Witte, U.
    PY  - DA  - 2003//
    TI  - Deep-sea macrofauna exposed to a simulated sedimentation event in the abyssal NE Atlantic: in situ pulse-chase experiments using ¹³C-labelled phytodetritus
    T2  - Mar Ecol Prog Ser
    JO  - Marine Ecology Progress Series
    SP  - 37
    EP  - 47
    VL  - 251
    PB  - Inter-Research
    CY  - Oldendorf/Luhe
    SN  - 0171-8630
    UR  -
    DO  - 10.3354/meps251037
    N1  - exported from refbase (, last updated on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 22:24:16 +0200
    ID  - Aberle+Witte2003Deep-sea
    ER  - 
    TY  - CHAP
    AU  - Arrigo, K. R.
    ED  - Thomas, D. N.
    ED  - Dieckmann, G. S.
    PY  - DA  - 2003//
    TI  - Primary production in sea ice
    BT  - Sea ice – an introduction to its physics, chemistry, biology and geology
    SP  - 143
    EP  - 183
    PB  - Blackwell Science Ltd
    CY  - Oxford
    SN  - 0-632-05808-0
    UR  -
    DO  - 10.1002/9780470757161.ch5
    N1  - exported from refbase (, last updated on Mon, 18 Oct 2010 12:17:39 +0200
    ID  - Arrigo2003PrimProd
    ER  - 
    TY  - CONF
    AU  - Assur, A.
    PY  - DA  - 1958//
    TI  - Composition of sea ice and its tensile strength
    T2  - Nat Res Council Publ
    BT  - Arctic sea ice: proceedings of the conference conducted by the Division of Earth Sciences and supported by the Office of Naval Research
    T3  - National Research Council Publications
    SP  - 106
    EP  - 138
    VL  - 598
    PB  - National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council
    CY  - Washington DC
    N1  - exported from refbase (, last updated on Wed, 24 Nov 2010 09:32:32 +0100
    ID  - Assur1958
    ER  -

    Note the incorrect formatting of the PY/DA field.

    Best regards,

  • Chris Putnam

    Chris Putnam - 2012-11-23

    Oops. Thanks for letting me know. The fix will be in version 4.16.

    I think the best thing to do in the output is to generate both PY and DA tags, as in:

    PY - 1958
    DA - 1958//

    Unless this causes a problem for programs that consume RIS-formatted files.


  • Matthias Steffens

    Yes, including both tags seems good to me.

    FWIW, refbase currently only recognizes PY, though future refbase releases will probably prefer DA over PY (if present). So including both is fine for us.

    Thanks again,

  • Chris Putnam

    Chris Putnam - 2013-01-10

    This should now be fixed in version 4.16. I'll chalk up this bug to me learning how to use but not abuse my version control system.



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