
Book publisher lost when going from xml2isi

  • mike-g2

    mike-g2 - 2019-08-16

    I'm converting some files from .ris to .xml and then to .isi format. However, when I do so, I lose the book publisher information, isbn, and url elements. Is there an option I am missing?

    (ps many thanks for a great set of tools)

  • Chris Putnam

    Chris Putnam - 2019-08-16

    Can you post an .ris example that fails?

    I see where publisher info and isbn are falling through the cracks, but I would have thought that the url elements would have been preserved.

    Before I upload a "fixed" version, I'd like to make sure that it's really fixed.

  • Chris Putnam

    Chris Putnam - 2019-08-16

    Sorry, I see the attachments now. I'll take a look. Thanks for being on top of this and sorry for the noise.

  • Chris Putnam

    Chris Putnam - 2019-08-28

    Sorry, I see the attachments now. I'll take a look. Thanks for being on top of this and sorry for the noise.

  • Chris Putnam

    Chris Putnam - 2019-08-28

    Version 6.8 should properly handle the .isi output issues you found. Let me know if you have any other problems/suggestions. Thanks again.

  • mike-g2

    mike-g2 - 2019-10-10

    Thanks for implementing those changes. As it stands, I now have a problem with the journal titles.

    As far as I can tell, xml2isi is incorrectly
    1. using SE instead of JI for the ISO source title abbreviation
    2. using JI instead of SO for the journal source title.

    See attached for output from command
    $ ris2xml scopus.ris | xml2isi > savedrecs.txt

  • mike-g2

    mike-g2 - 2019-10-10

    Also, ris entry C2 which appears to be the pubmed ID is being lost when going from ris to isi.


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