
biblatex2xml and theses

Nick Bart
  • Nick Bart

    Nick Bart - 2012-12-19

    biblatex has a generic entry type thesis:

    • Required fields: author, title, type, institution, year/date
    • Optional fields: subtitle, titleaddon, language, note, location, month, isbn, chapter, pages, pagetotal, addendum, pubstate, doi, eprint, eprintclass, eprinttype, url, urldate


    • Entry type phdthesis is an alias for thesis with the type field automatically set to (the localization key) phdthesis.

      • In other words, a thesis with a type of phdthesis should be treated as a phdthesis.
    • Entry type mastersthesis is an alias for thesis with the type field automatically set to (the localization key) mathesis [sic].

      • In other words, a thesis with a type of mathesis should be treated as a mastersthesis.

    Presently, the biblatex2xml conversion looks like this

    • entry type mastersthesis, type field empty -> <genre>Masters thesis</genre>

    • entry type mastersthesis, type field foobar -> <genre>Masters thesis</genre> <genre>foobar</genre>

    • entry type phdthesis, type field empty -> <genre>Ph.D. thesis</genre>

    • entry type phdthesis, type field foobar -> <genre>Ph.D. thesis</genre> <genre>foobar</genre>

    • entry type thesis, type field phdthesis -> <genre authority="marcgt">thesis</genre> <genre>phdthesis</genre>

    Now, I would like to suggest the following:

    Theses of all kinds should have

    <genre authority="marcgt">thesis</genre>

    In addition, the thesis type should be given. Here, I’d like to suggest following the conventions of no punctuation, no uppercase letters, so both

    • phdthesis
    • thesis with type of phdthesis

    should be converted to <genre>phdthesis</genre>

    and both

    • mastersthesis
    • thesis with type of mathesis [!]

    should be converted to <genre>mastersthesis</genre>

    (using the very same terms here as biblatex does).

    In case the type field contains some other information, this should probably not go to a <genre> element, but somewhere else, maybe a <note> or <note type=thesis> element (see and

    citeproc-hs would need to be modified to use these terms instead of Ph.D. thesis and Masters thesis. Presently, it seems to parse these, but does not seem to pass on this information; at least pandoc does not print any type in its output, so a fix is required anyway.

    Finally, biblatex drops school if institution is present; biblatex2xml presently keeps both, but should probably behave like biblatex here, too.


    Last edit: Nick Bart 2013-01-10
  • Chris Putnam

    Chris Putnam - 2013-01-10

    I've done some of what you've suggested. The various permutations of thesis/phdthesis/mastersthesis will be properly recognized (along with my long term support of the German Habilitation and Diploma thesis types). This should be in version 4.16. Let me know if you run into problems.

    I don't agree with changing my genre types, however. There are quite a few consumers of bibutils output and I'm not going to break all of them by arbitrarily changing strings in my output unless there's a really compelling reason. (And if you note the MARC authority genres do have spaces, see for example "software, multimedia".)


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