Danica Lewis - 2017-03-23

Hi, thank you so much for sharing this, it'll be a real lifesaver for my project. I'm having trouble with the install though and I'm not sure what to try. Configure runs fine but it's throwing an error when I try to move on to make. Any idea what's going on and what I can do to fix it? Thanks!

[libstaff-01088:~] dmlewis6% cd Desktop/bibutils_5.11
[libstaff-01088:~/Desktop/bibutils_5.11] dmlewis6% sh -f configure

Bibutils Configuration

Operating system:               MacOSX_x86_64
Library and binary type:        static
Binary installation directory:  /usr/local/bin
Library installation directory: /usr/local/lib

 - If auto-identification of operating system failed, e-mail cdputnam@ucsd.edu
   with the output of the command: uname -a

 - Use --static or --dynamic to specify library and binary type;
   the --static option is the default

 - Set binary installation directory with:  --install-dir DIR

 - Set library installation directory with: --install-lib DIR

To compile,                  type: make
To install,                  type: make install
To make tgz package,         type: make package
To make deb package,         type: make deb

To clean up temporary files, type: make clean
To clean up all files,       type: make realclean

[libstaff-01088:~/Desktop/bibutils_5.11] dmlewis6% make
xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun

Last edit: Danica Lewis 2017-03-23