
#25 Bug: UTF-8 text not appearing correctly


German and Spanish text is appearing garbled.
And I put UTF-8 headers on both the client and the API.


  • AIC Web Design

    AIC Web Design - 2016-10-02

    Looks like these might have to be re-imported

  • AIC Web Design

    AIC Web Design - 2016-10-16

    Also, searching with strings including UTF special characters, such as Señor causes breakage because it's not properly parsed out.

  • AIC Web Design

    AIC Web Design - 2016-10-16

    Need to change regexps to handle unicode:
    preg_match_all('/%?[a-zA-Z0-9]+%?/', $parsing, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
    preg_match_all('/%?[\p{L}]+%?/u', $parsing, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);

  • AIC Web Design

    AIC Web Design - 2016-10-16

    Original v2 tables are in charset latin1;
    Laravel defaults charset to utf8.
    Changing this to latin1 and re-importing from v2 seems to have the show the text correctly.
    However, this is probably not the best solution.

    1. Import existing as latin1, new as utf8, and have to keep tract of which is which.
    2. Import from raw utf text files. This would require building out part of the admin side which was planned for much later in development.
    3. Save dealing with foreign languages till later
    4. ???

    Also need a database flag for RTL languages. Or a new db table just for language info.

  • AIC Web Design

    AIC Web Design - 2016-12-18

    Have built a basic importer to import directly from Unbound Bible zip files.
    Wil need to reimport everything. But I will need a module exporter first, to create official modules for BSS V4. Also need to change the present migration script that imports text from V2 to only import English texts.


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