
Plugins for Biblememorizer could not be found

  • Johan van der Lingen

    The alert I am facing says that if I don't know what to do I should post in the help forum :-)

    For clarity:
    - Error: "Plugins for Biblememorizer could not be found..." I can select a plugin 'English Book Names', but a 'Sword API from Crosswire' plugin fails.
    - I use Kubuntu 6.06
    - I used the options config --prefix=/usr/bin/biblememorizer0.4 --sword-path=/usr/include/sword

    I don't know whether the sword-path option creates a directory with files or tries to find 'includes'. I guess the latter, in which case I should also say that I do not have any *include/sword directory on my pc. But I do have Bibletime which also uses Sword-bibles.

    How can I get BibleMemorizer to work fully functionally?

    • Jeremy Erickson

      Jeremy Erickson - 2006-10-17

      The problem is that there is an error in src/ - it creates the executable directly under the "prefix" directory instead of in "bin."  This causes the algorithm for finding plugins, which uses relative paths, to fail.  For now, you can move biblememorizer (the executable file) into a folder called "bin" under where it currently is.  This will be fixed in biblememorizer-0.5.

      The problem with Sword is probably due to the fact that you don't have the package with Sword include files installed - did you install BibleTime manually or from packages?  I'm not sure what Kubuntu calls the package, but on RPM distros you need the package "sword-devel" (the name on Kubuntu is probably similar) to use the Sword plugin.

      I hope this helps.

    • Johan van der Lingen

      Thanks, I installed the libsword-dev package (I hadn't noticed it before because it starts with 'lib').
      It did not work immediately, but after uninstall and install biblememorizer, it does work!

    • Col

      Col - 2009-01-05

      I am getting a similar message as Johan posted.
      Biblememorizer has been working fine until...
      I have recently updated my gnomesword to version 2.4.1. Now I find Biblememorizer does not work. As I open Biblememorizer, an error message comes up saying "The plugin could not be loaded. You may see further error messages". Other error messages that occur if I try to use it are:
      "The plugin either could not be loaded properly, or it does not support querying whether it can load verse text".
      "The plugin either could not be loaded properly, or does not allow its translation feature to be queried."
      I am using ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy).
      I have checked and libsword6 is installed (v 1.5.11-3)
      Any suggestions?

      • Jeremy Erickson

        Jeremy Erickson - 2009-01-05

        Are you using BibleMemorizer built from source, or did you install the package from the repository?  If you are using the binary, it's Sword plugin might unfortunately be out of date in terms of what version of Sword it is built against.  I am trying to get a hold of Raphael Pinson (who does the Ubuntu binaries for BibleMemorizer) so that he can get an updated build of 0.6.3 which has several significant new features.  If you build from source, 0.6.3 has a smarter method for handling plugin problems that avoids the messages you are seeing most of the time.

        The specific cause of the message you are seeing is that there was a problem loading the plugin.  It most frequently occurs when your settings are pointing to a plugin that no longer exists, but it could also happen if the Sword plugin points to a Sword library file that doesn't exist.  I am guessing that because the error started when you installed a new version of GnomeSword and now have Sword 1.5.11, the latter may be the case.  The proper way to fix this would be to recompile the Sword plugin against the new library.  (I have tested 0.6.3's Sword plugin extensively with version 1.5.11, and it includes some improvements, so you can try building that one.)  If you are feeling adventuresome, you can do this yourself by downloading the 0.6.3 source code and running the instructions in "INSTALL" (You will need basic compiler packages, qt3-dev-tools, and libsword-dev and will have to make sure that Qt3's QMake is in your PATH before Qt4's if you have qt4-dev-tools.)  Then the file plugins/crosswire/ can overwrite /usr/lib/biblememorizer/plugins/

        (There was a change made to how plugins work in 0.6.3, but it shouldn't prevent new plugins from working on old versions of BibleMemorizer.)

        As another quick thing you might want to try first, either delete ~/.qt/biblememorizerrc (which will erase all your BibleMemorizer settings), or edit that file and remove the lines that refer to plugins.  This will cause BibleMemorizer to re-search for your plugins.  (In 0.6.2 and later, this happens automatically if the plugin fails to load.)

        • Col

          Col - 2009-01-05

          BibleMemorizer was installed from the repository. It is version 0.5.2-1.

          I tried deleting biblememorizerrc as yu suggested, but it still came up with some errors. It also asked me to select a plugin. I chose Sword API from CrossWire, and it still gave the errors.

          I have downloaded biblememorizer 0.6.3.
          I have qt3-dev-tools (3:3.3.8-b-0ubuntu3), libsword6 (1.5.11-3), libsword-dev (1.5.11-3).
          qt4 is not installed.

          When I do
          qmake -v
          I get
          Qmake version 1.07a (Qt 3.3.8b)
          as indicated above.

          When I run configure, I get:
          This is a wrapper to Trolltech qmake.
          It will try to detect Sword automatically and setup appropriately.
          Sword detected automatically.
          Script generated options:
          CONFIG += sword
          SWORD_PATH = /usr/include/sword
          SWORD_LIB = -lsword
          MAIN_PATH = /usr
          CONFIG += release

          Running qmake...
          Error processing project file: /home/colin/
          qmake finished.
          It is normal for qmake to take a very short time and not generate output.
          Go ahead and run make now (though reading INSTALL first is recommended).

          I am not sure what I was supposed to do.

          • Jeremy Erickson

            Jeremy Erickson - 2009-01-05

            Did you run configure from inside the "biblememorizer-0.6.3" directory?  The message indicates that it was trying to read files directly from your home directory, but they shouldn't be there.

            So in other words, instead of running "biblememorizer-0.6.3/configure", you need to do "cd biblememorizer-0.6.3" and then "./configure".  Then you run "make".  Normally you would do "make install" as root to actually install it, which you can do if you want (although then APT won't know about it, and you would need to uninstall the binary package of BibleMemorizer first.  Also, you would want to keep the source directory around so you can do "make uninstall" to remove it.)

            However, if you just want to get the plugin working, you then copy biblememorizer-0.6.3/plugins/crosswire/ to overwrite /usr/lib/biblememorizer/plugins/

            I am guessing the lang_en plugin would continue to work in your current situation, but then you lose the ability to do Sword lookups.

            • Col

              Col - 2009-01-07

              Thank you for your patience Jeremy. Yes, I did run it from the wrong location.
              ./configure worked fine when performed from the correct location.
              However, make caused errors. However I had a suggestion to install, and then make seemed to work. No errors, just a few warnings.
              I really just wanted the plugin to work, so I coped the file using sudo and it seems to work fine now.
              So thank you very much.


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