
Contributors Log in to Edit

Christiaan Hofman Michael McCracken

This page is here to recognize everyone who has helped out with BibDesk development over the years - Thanks!

Note: This page isn't in any particular order, nor is it complete - I'll be updating it as I dig through the history. Please let me know if I'm missing someone. --mike 12:04, 20 May 2005 (PDT)

  • Adam Maxwell
    • Lots of code, user help on lists, writing documentation, release management and nightly build
  • Christiaan Hofman
    • Lots of code, user help on lists, writing documentation
  • Michael McCracken
    • Original developer, lots of code, used to help on lists, wrote documentation, set up project organization.
  • Corentin Cras-Méneur
    • French localization
  • Josy Rochaud
    • French localization
  • Michael Hohensee
    • nightly builds
  • James Howison
    • Code, user help on lists, bug reporting
  • Matthias Damm
    • Bug Tracker cleaning, bug reporting
  • Sven-S. Porst
    • Code, UI review
  • Matthew Routley
  • Bruce D'Arcus
  • Matt Cook
  • ...


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