
BibDesk_Localization Log in to Edit

Christiaan Hofman Michael McCracken

BibDesk Languages

BibDesk currently supports three languages:

  • English
  • French (thanks to Corentin Cras-Méneur and Josy Rochaud)
  • German (thanks to Florian Beyerlein)
  • Spanish (thanks to Bastián Olea)

If you want to help translate BibDesk in another language, please contact us at the users list.

Notes for Localizers

The basic procedure to add a localization to a Cocoa application is described at Apple's Localization Tools page. The main tool to create localization is AppleGlot, which can be downloaded from that page.

Note: Unfortunately the current version AppleGlot 3.4 still does not work on Snow Leopard.

Basic Procedure for BibDesk Localization Using AppleGlot

  1. Use and setup AppleGlot, for details see the AppleGlot User Guide
  2. Create a new AppleGlot environment for BibDesk, if necessary
  3. Move any previous base and localized bundles to the corresponding _Old location (_NewBase -> _OldBase, _NewLoc -> _OldLoc), if necessary
  4. Copy the new BibDesk bundle you get from a developer or the resources from a working copy into _NewLoc
  5. Run the First Pass from AppleGlot
  6. Translate the Work Glossary
  7. Run the Incremental Pass and Final Pass from AppleGlot
  8. Open the .xib files inside _NewLoc and fix the UI layout using Interface Builder, if necessary
  9. Translate other resource files not handled by AppleGlot
  10. If you commit to SVN yourself, copy the localized files inside _NewLoc to your working copy, and commit

Localizable Resources Not Handled by AppleGlot

These paths are relative to

  • BibDesk Help/bibdesk.texi
  • Credits.rtf
  • ReadMe.rtf (should this be localized?)

Notes and Tips

  • Keep copies of the previous files and bundles you translated, both the base and localized version. This may help you for incremental updates
  • You can find changes in text files (such as skim.texi) using the FileMerge application that comes with the Developer Tools, or the diff command line tool
  • To see files inside a bundle, you can choose "Show Package Contents" from the contextual menu in Finder
  • Also .string files inside the BibImporter and BibdeskInputManager bundles should be copied to their working copies

Basic Procedure for BibDesk Localization Using Localization Suite

Localization Suite 3 is required (currently in beta)

  1. The developer will prepare localization (.loc) files
  2. Open the localization .loc file(s) using
  3. In the Keys popup, make sure you choose Missing Keys. Also you may need to try some other settings such as Changed Keys and Problematic Keys.
  4. Make sure you Select "trunk", or otherwise all subitems, in the Bundles/Files outline
  5. Translate the strings:
    1. Select a row in the main table
    2. Edit the localized string, either double-click it in the main table or use the Separate Editor near the bottom
  6. Send the updated localization file(s) to the developer

Basic Procedure for BibDesk Localization Using iLocalize

Sorry, you're on your own with this one. I don't have a license for it and don't know how it works. I've been told though that it works quite well, perhaps the best of the three. But then, it's not free.


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