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Anonymous Christiaan Hofman Fischlin Andreas Michael McCracken Emrah Er Johnsidi Conan Albrecht ssp Glenn Hoetker Derick Wong Dan Sheffler Brian Helenbrook David Wingate

BibDesk Scripts

This is a list of scripts (mostly Applescripts) that can extend BibDesk's functionality. These scripts are written by BibDesk users; for further discussion or to post scripts, use the BibDesk-users mailing list.

How to add scripts

Single User

To add an Applescript to the menu, put it in ~/Library/Application Support/BibDesk/Scripts/(where ~ is the home directory of this user).

All Users

To add an Applescript to the menu, put it in /Library/Application Support/BibDesk/Scripts/ (this might require administrator password).

You may have to create those directories if they do not exist. You can force a custom ordering of the scripts in the menu by prepending the file names by a number followed by a dash, those will be used for sorting but won't show in the menu.

How to run

To run an Applescript, just select it from BibDesk's Scripts menu.


Glenn Hoetker - website - download

  • Auto importing from a watched folder
    • Import PDFs from folder
    • Import bib files from folder
    • Import items from import folder (manually triggers functionality of above 2 scripts.
  • Complete bibliographic information
  • Find DOI
    • Fill according to DOI

Christiaan Hofman - website - download

  • Some of these scripts use the Capitalize Script Library.
  • Most of these scripts use the Bibdesk Download Script Library for the basic download and analysis routines. They expect to find them in the folder ~/Library/ScriptingAdditions/ of the user.
  • If you do not want to use the libraries, you can download some old Self Contained Bibdesk Scripts.
  • The script Add Protect Strings is actually a library that is used by the script Protect Titles uses.

  • Bibdesk Scripts contains:

    • Capitalize Titles
    • Downcase Titles
    • Download from ArXiv
    • Update from ArXiv
    • Download BibTeX
    • Download BibTeX and PDF
    • Download PDF
    • Download Abstract
    • Set Spires Cite Keys
    • Add Protect Strings
    • Protect Titles
    • Capitalize and Protect Titles
  • Some additional applescripts to gather references stored into a text file in a structured manner and put them into a BibDesk document: a script for references stored on a single line and another one for references stored on several lines and separated by a blank line. (ReadMe)

  • A script to convert linked files and URLs to fields.
  • An alternative script to move linked files and URLs to fields.

Alex Montgomery - website - download

  • Article-Book Locator scripts (for finding either articles or books using Google Scholar, with a special version for Reed College)
  • Book Locator Scripts (for finding books at ECampus, WorldCat, and Amazon)
  • Book Locator Amazon
  • Book Locator ECampus
  • Book Locator WorldCat
  • BookScripts (for adding data directly from the Library of Congress and WorldCat, see Readme):
  • Book Add by ISBN
  • Book Cite Fixer
  • Book set URL to WorldCat (for setting the URL field for book entries using WorldCat)
  • FieldScripts (for manipulating fields, some are obsolete now; see Readme)
    • Field Capitalize
    • Field Copy-Swap
    • Field Put 1 Before or After 2
    • Field Remove Chars from Start or End
  • JSTORScripts (for locating, downloading, and completing articles using JSTOR, see Readme):
    • Fix JSTOR URLs.scpt (Fixes old JSTOR URLs to new scheme)
    • Article JSTOR Download (downloads and attaches PDF for entries with JSTOR URLs)
    • Article JSTOR Cite Fixer (tries to complete a cite)
    • OpenURL Script (take partial or full entries and look up electronic resources for them using OpenURL)
    • PDFAddCiteHeader (Adds a header to the first page of a PDF containing the cite for the PDF)
  • An additional MSWord (and Pages?) integration bash script (Download, ReadMe).

Claus Gerhardt - website - download

Format eprint and arXiv URLs and deal with local-url filing.

  • ReadMe
  • eprint
  • arXiv
  • local-url
  • pdf: Use to open a second pdf file linked to an entry.

Greg Landweber - website - download

Derick Fay - website

  • Add the Keywords from the current selection in BibDesk to all linked files as Mavericks tags.
  • Add keywords to selected publications
  • Replace existing keywords in selected publications
  • Create groups by date added - similar to calendar view in iPhoto
  • Post to BibDesk from NetNewsWire - an Applescript to create a new publication in BibDesk based on a newsfeed entry (typically from an RSS feed of a Journal's table of contents) in NetNewsWire. This allows me to skim tables of contents and quickly save the information on articles I want to read at a later date. The script partially fills in the bibliographic data: the Title of the new publication is set to the title of the newsfeed entry; the Journal of the new publication is set to the name of the feed (so you will want to rename your feeds accordingly); the year of the new publication is set to the year of the date the newsfeed entry was published (usually this is the same as the year of the journal, but you should double-check); the URL for the newsfeed entry is added to the publication; and, finally, a dialog box appears to add keywords. A keyword "untagged" is also added to the new publication -- I use this to identify references that need to be cleaned up. Save the file in /Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support/NetNewsWire/Scripts/.
  • Lookup Publishers - if the selected publications include a publisher but no address, this script aims to add the address of the publisher(s). Uses an if...then...else lookup in the script which you can edit to suit your needs.

Douglas Stabila - website - download

  • CVS, AppleScript to perform CVS operations from BibDesk and a script to insert citations from BibDesk in TeXShop.

Sven-S. Porst and Christoph Wockel - website (Porst), website (Wockel) - download

  • arXiv → BibDesk-script: Uses an open arXiv abstract page in the browser to download the PDF and add a publication with the metadata, document, link, and abstract to BibDesk.

John Sidiropoulos - webpage

Dan Sheffler - website

  • For opening URLs based on a BibDesk citekey to a particular page in Skim. E.g. sk://mccabe94#57 - download
  • For automatically copying such links to the clipboard based on citekey. - download

Andreas Fischlin - website - download

AppleScripts for BibDesk include collaboration to transfer records among FileMaker, EndNote, and BibDesk and solutions for syncing pdf's with iOS devices for reading/annotation purposes using GoodReader.

To get an idea what that sophisticated system can accomplish, you may wish to read "Andreas's BibDesk Tutorial" and the other extensive documentation provided as well.

The offered AppleScripts include:

  • Extract bibliography (creates index.html file from selection and extracts pdf's for independent bibliography)
  • Link PDF from Adobe Reader
  • Fix PDF and URL links
  • Inspect Linked Files (incl. recognition of symbolic and alias links)
  • Fix-Paste Abstract
  • S-F-X Linking
  • Import by DOI

Script Hooks

Applescripts for Integration with External Editors

Mark Reid - download

  • Mark Reid's applescript to send citations to LyX (WYSIWYM LaTeX editor).

Jim Harrison

  • CiteInPages, Applescripts for BibDesk's script menu to format numbered and author-date in-text citations and bibliographies in Apple's Pages (v. 3) word processor.
  • Scripts and templates for displaying summary lists of selected articles (including abstracts, annotations and Skim notes) in TextEdit and Apple's Pages word processor.

Colin Smith

  • BibFuse, AppleScripts for adding in-text citations to Microsoft Word 2004/2008. Reference formatting is reversible and can be updated as you write/edit. It currently supports numbered reference lists as well as .doc, RTF, and plain text templates.

Christiaan Hofman - website - download

Thomas Counsell - website

  • Ruby script to get bibliography info in Pages (ReadMe)

David Wingate - website - download

  • WordScript, a suite of AppleScripts to fully integrate BibDesk with Microsoft Word. It is geared toward Harvard style referencing, and includes all of the functionality required by researchers working in the humanities and social sciences.


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