Activity for BibDesk

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28946] on SVN

    BDSKShouldShowWebGroup is not used anymore

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28945] on SVN

    Don't register bibdesk scheme as local, for some reason that stops it from working in links

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28944] on SVN

    Don't use NSPredicate for class objeccts

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28943] on SVN

    make table cell images revertable

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28942] on SVN

    update hidden pref key list

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28941] on SVN

    update list of hidden pref keys

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman modified a wiki page


  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28940] on SVN

    replace <v> or <version> by version in out directory for build scrript

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28939] on SVN

    Don't add spaces at end of release notes in appcast

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28938] on SVN

    update copyrright date in help

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28937] on SVN

    Tag for release

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28936] on SVN

    update version numbers for release

  • BibDesk BibDesk released /BibDesk/BibDesk-1.9.5/BibDesk-1.9.5.dmg

  • BibDesk BibDesk released /BibDesk/BibDesk-1.9.5/ReadMe-1.9.5.txt

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28935] on SVN

    Don't check sharedPreviewer directly to see whether its window is visible, use class method that first checks whether the sharedPreviewer exists. So we don't need to create it early for safety.

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28934] on SVN

    remove hashes for non-existing revisions

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28933] on SVN

    remove unused variable

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28932] on SVN

    update release notes

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28931] on SVN

    Replace files copied from SharedSupport to ApplicationSupport when they are an old revision. Check this by comparing the md5 hash of the current copied file with the hashes of old versions, which we register in a resource file. The SupportFileRevisions.plist file should be updated whenever a support file is changed.

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28930] on SVN

    Remove dummy icon from rtfd template

  • lh3 lh3 posted a comment on ticket #1679

    To make sure pii is the right tag, I asked PubMed helpdesk how to retrieve "page numbers" for online-only papers without pagination. They replied: ELocationID is used in cases where pagination is not present. and pointed me to the latest pubmed DTD.

  • lh3 lh3 posted a comment on ticket #1679

    Thank you so much! I do agree with you that the current is a weird practice. I didn't realize this mess until now.

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman modified ticket #1679

    BibDesk failed to retrieve page numbers from PubMed

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman posted a comment on ticket #1679

    I'll add the ELocationID as the Pages fields when there is no Pagination. It is a weird practice, to put it as a pii ID, even if it is not even the PII number, which is a totally different number.

  • lh3 lh3 modified a comment on ticket #1679

    If you worry a page number like "eabl4178" may interfere with BibTeX, you may add an option and let users decide whether to use such a string as page numbers. The bottom line is we need page numbers for citation and many papers don't have real page numbers. PS: this problem is not specific to PubMed as many journals, like Science, don't have real page numbers these days.

  • lh3 lh3 modified a comment on ticket #1679

    If you worry a page number like "eabl4178" may interfere with BibTeX, you may add an option and let users decide whether to use such a string as page numbers. The bottom line is we need page numbers for citation and many papers don't have real page numbers these days. PS: this problem is not specific to PubMed as many journals, like Science, don't have real page numbers these days.

  • lh3 lh3 modified a comment on ticket #1679

    If you worry a page number like "eabl4178" may interfere with BibTeX, you may add an option and let users decide whether to use such a string as page numbers. The bottom line is we need page numbers for citation and many papers don't have real page numbers these days.

  • lh3 lh3 posted a comment on ticket #1679

    If you worry a page number like "eabl4178" may interfere with BibTeX, you may add an option and let users decide whether to use such a string as page numbers. The bottom line is we need page numbers for citation.

  • lh3 lh3 posted a comment on ticket #1679

    We need something equivalent to page number to pinpoint a paper in a volume/issue. The current practice unfortunately chooses this identifier. For example, a Nature article cites PMID:35357911 as (without DOI): Altemose, N. et al. Complete genomic and epigenetic maps of human centromeres. Science 376, eabl4178 (2022). eabl4178 is de facto the page number. If you click "cite" on the Science website, the citation format is the basically same (plus DOI). In the PDF of this paper downloaded from Science,...

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28929] on SVN

    Use ELocationID for Pages field when no Pagination is present from pubmed data

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman posted a comment on ticket #1679

    That does not make much sense to me. PII is an identifier. It is not appropriate for a Pages field in BibTeX. It would give ill formed citations from BibTeX.

  • lh3 lh3 posted a comment on ticket #1679

    At least in our field (biomedical research), most online-only journals give you a "page" number like "btae333". There are no actual page numbers. I haven't checked old PubMed XML files because I don't have one. I guess old PubMed put "btae333" in the Pagination element [1] but later they decided that was confusing. Now they put "btae333" at an ELocationID element [2]. It looks like the following now: <elocationid eidtype="pii" validyn="Y">btae333</elocationid> Is it possible to use this as the page...

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman posted a comment on ticket #1679

    Oh, and BTW btae333 does not look like a page. It is in fact part of the id (including the DOI) of the article. So if the PubMed page gives you btae333 as the page in their pretty printed result, than they made (another)_ mistake there as well.

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman posted a comment on ticket #1679

    We use their API to get XML data. What you see on a web page is not useful for automated download.

  • lh3 lh3 posted a comment on ticket #1679

    There seem multiple ways to retrieve data from PubMed. Which method are you using? The page number "bate333" is shown on the PubMed page:

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman modified ticket #1679

    BibDesk failed to retrieve page numbers from PubMed

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman posted a comment on ticket #1679

    The parser has not changed effectively for a long time. So this is not caused by BibDesk. In fact, the data we get from this item does not contain an page information. So it is probabl;y a change by PubMed that caused you to fail getting it.

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman modified ticket #1678

    Default preview template doesn't show ISBNs

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman posted a comment on ticket #1678

    Fixed for the next release. Unfortunately this won't get updated automatically for the users.

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28928] on SVN

    fix typo in default preview template

  • lh3 lh3 created ticket #1679

    BibDesk failed to retrieve page numbers from PubMed

  • Simon Robinson Simon Robinson created ticket #1678

    Default preview template doesn't show ISBNs

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman modified ticket #1677

    Macros Database will not change macro name

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman posted a comment on ticket #1677

    This will be fixed in the next release

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28927] on SVN

    fix changing macro names, don't use valueForKey on maptable

  • D in Boise D in Boise created ticket #1677

    Macros Database will not change macro name

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman modified a wiki page


  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman modified a wiki page


  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman modified ticket #1676

    Crossref problem: Copy Title to Booktitle overwrites inherited value

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman posted a comment on ticket #1676

    This is not a bug, it behaves exactly as expected. And it is also not different from earlier versions. This has not changed in a very long time. You may not have noticed it before, for instance because it depends on the publication type of the item.

  • John Henkel John Henkel created ticket #1676

    Crossref problem: Copy Title to Booktitle overwrites inherited value

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman modified ticket #906

    Make attached files follow cross-reference logic.

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman posted a comment on ticket #906

    No, that's not a good idea. And it would be a major implementation nightmare.

  • zsteir zsteir created ticket #906

    Make attached files follow cross-reference logic.

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman modified ticket #1675

    BibDesk crashes when searching in files

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman posted a comment on ticket #1675

    This is fixed for the next release.

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28926] on SVN

    declare property as read/write in class extension rather than category, otherwise no setter is synthesized

  • Markus Markus created ticket #1675

    BibDesk crashes when searching in files

  • AEK AEK posted a comment on ticket #1674

    Great, thanks for the quick response @hofman, that fixed it.

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28925] on SVN

    code sign dmg in build script

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28924] on SVN

    cleanup build script

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28923] on SVN

    use correct makedirs command in build script

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman modified ticket #1674

    Version 1.9.4 update fails

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman posted a comment on ticket #1674

    I am not sure why the signature is not accepted, the signature verifies correctly when I check it directly. I have replaced the update with a new and newly signed build. So it should work now.

  • BibDesk BibDesk released /BibDesk/BibDesk-1.9.4/BibDesk-1.9.4.dmg

  • AEK AEK created ticket #1674

    Version 1.9.4 update fails

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman posted a comment on ticket #1673

    That is not the format for array values. Use something like -array Notetoselfto set the value. See also the Wiki and the man page for defaults.

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts posted a comment on ticket #1673

    Thank you. I have looked there now and have attempted to use what I think is the right key. I wrote: defaults write -app BibDesk BDSKAdditionalFieldsToCompleteKey '{ "Notetoself"; }' It does not give an error message but it does not seem to change anything either. Am I doing something wrong? Thank you for your patience with my lack of knowledge about this.

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman posted a comment on ticket #1673

    Hidden preferences and how they work are described on the Wiki.

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts posted a comment on ticket #1673

    Thank you for releasing 1.9.4! It is great to have the preview pane back. I saw in the release notes that you added a new hidden preference for enabling autocompletion of fields for all fields, but I wasn't able to find it in the documentation. Might I please ask how I can turn on that hidden preference?

  • BibDesk BibDesk updated /BibDesk/BibDesk-1.9.4/BibDesk-1.9.4.dmg

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28922] on SVN

    fix newlines in perview template

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman modified a wiki page


  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28921] on SVN

    fix template key in help

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28920] on SVN

    fix typos in preview template

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28919] on SVN

    Tag for release

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28918] on SVN

    update version numbers for release

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman modified ticket #1672

    Database entry not displayed in bibliography window panel

  • BibDesk BibDesk released /BibDesk/BibDesk-1.9.4/BibDesk-1.9.4.dmg

  • BibDesk BibDesk released /BibDesk/BibDesk-1.9.4/ReadMe-1.9.4.txt

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman modified a wiki page


  • John Sidles John Sidles posted a comment on ticket #1672

    "This is fixed for the next release." Query: When is the next release? Hopefully soon? Thanks in advance for releasing the fix ! :)

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28917] on SVN

    no need for array to be mutable

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28916] on SVN

    get template file type from main page URL

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28915] on SVN

    convenience class method for default preview template name

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28914] on SVN

    invert condition

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28913] on SVN

    update release notes

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28912] on SVN

    complete title from booktitle when we should support it

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts posted a comment on ticket #1673

    It would be wonderful to have autocompletion in the Series back. After more reflection, I realized that it is important to me to have autocompletion even in fields like Title that might seem less useful for a very specific reason: it alerts me to when I am duplicating an entry that already exists before I waste my time populating too many fields. That is, I might start typing a new bibentry's title and then realize, because of autocompletion, that I must already have an entry with that same title....

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28911] on SVN

    hidden pref to add extra fields to be completed

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman posted a comment on ticket #1673

    That's far too complex. The point of turning it off in more fields is that it can be very inefficient (especially for large files), and for most generic fields, completion is basically useless (and therefore more of a nuisance). For instance, a title would generally be unique, so there is no use in completing it. But I could activate it for more fields, like Series where it may be useful. I think that is more an exception in that sense.

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28910] on SVN

    Make Series field allowed for groups and single valued, also allow completion.

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts posted a comment on ticket #1673

    Sorry, I hadn't managed to find the preview issue among the tickets. Thank you for pointing that out. About the completion, I have always found it extremely useful to have completion in all the fields. I first noticed its lack in the Series field. Is there an option to turn it back on for all fields that were previously covered? (Even better would be a preferences pane -- or hidden preferences -- where one could turn it on and off for each field one by one, but I imagine that would be a feature ...

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman modified ticket #1673

    Autocompletion and preview stopped working in latest update Version 1.9.3 (6113)

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman posted a comment on ticket #1673

    The preview issue is a duplicate. As for the auto completion, we don't autocomplete every field anymore, only a few fields where it may be useful (such as author names and booktitles). This should thus still be working, just a bit differently.

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28909] on SVN

    Copy app support files in +initialize methods for classes that use the particular files

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28908] on SVN

    avoid using file system to construct url

  • Christiaan Hofman Christiaan Hofman committed [r28907] on SVN

    remove template path preference, we never set it and always use application support

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts posted a comment on ticket #1673

    For the preview, I am using a custom HTML preview.

  • Alex Roberts Alex Roberts created ticket #1673

    Autocompletion and preview stopped working in latest update Version 1.9.3 (6113)

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