
bgCart - background shopping cart / News: Recent posts

bgCart 0.1.1 has been released

I'm glad to announce that the download package for bgCart has been updated. The release covers some minor bug fixes and code optimization. More updates coming soon!

Posted by Denis Vlasov 2009-05-27

Translators needed for project

We need help in translating the software to different languages. It's just a one hour or less work - there is one file needed for translation: "includes/lang/english.php". Thanks.

Posted by Denis Vlasov 2009-05-21

bgCart 0.1.0 has been released

I'm glad to announce the first public release availability. This version is just pre-alpha, so it shouldn't be used on live websites, though you can see how it looks like. Suggest features, report bugs. Any help is welcome.

Posted by Denis Vlasov 2009-05-21