Activity for BACnet Firewall Router

  • Joel Bender Joel Bender posted a comment on discussion Help

    The project is unfortunately already a bit older. At that time the package size of BACnet was still set to 480 bytes. The maximum packet size depends on the link layer, so it varies. After your answer I assume that it can also work with this package size. Yes, the application keeps a ring-like list of buffers, the default buffer size is 2048 and it allocates 100 of them to start which is usually way more than enough. If you are going to be shuffling around UDP packets on an Ethernet with jumbo frames...

  • Daniel Daniel modified a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, thank you for the answer. The bfr-project is unfortunately already a bit older. At that time the package size of BacNet was still set to 480 bytes. Today a packet size of 1467 bytes is used. After your answer I assume that it can also work with this package size. Am I right there? Greetings Daniel

  • Daniel Daniel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, thank you for the answer. The project is unfortunately already a bit older. At that time the package size of BacNet was still set to 480 bytes. Today a packet size of 1467 bytes is used. After your answer I assume that it can also work with this package size. Am I right there? Greetings Daniel

  • Joel Bender Joel Bender posted a comment on discussion Help

    The buffer size for the socket layer is 64K (a static buffer in BACnetUDP::Read()) and the buffer size for the list of PDUs passed between layers is kDefaultListPDUSize, 2K. If you are on a network with jumbo frames (9K packets) then you could be having problems, but it's more likely to be something else. (Thank you for your interest in the BFR!)

  • Daniel Daniel posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I am using the BacNet firewall router for a project. I have configured a BBMD which also basically works. However, when querying the BacNet devices and their objects with an external tool, I get UDP packet errors. It is probably due to the size of the packets. If I adjust the BacNet stack from this tool so that only 480 bytes packets are used, no errors occur. Can I adjust the maximum packet size from the BacNet firewall router? What is the maximum packet size that the BacNet firewall router...

  • vitor jesus vitor jesus posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, First of all, thank you for this fantastic project. We are using it in a project at Birmingham City University. It seems that only network interfaces named "eth" are supported. We're running BFR on rasberry pis, with wireless interfaces ("wifiX"), and we get a "cannot assign address" unless we use the ethernet interfaces. Is this expected or is there a tweak? thank you --v

  • Joel Bender Joel Bender posted a comment on discussion Help

    Jesse, Yes, you are exactly correct, turn one into a BBMD for foreign device registration. The interface you pick will be the "home" network for the foreign device and everything else will go through the BFR as a BACnet router. Joel From: "Jesse J?ms?n" Sent: Tuesday, September 3, 2019 1:48 AM To: [bfr:discussion] Subject: [bfr:discussion] bfr BACnet IP configuration over vpn Hi, I see thank you very much. I have been using foreign...

  • Joel Bender Joel Bender posted a comment on discussion Help

    Jesse, I hope you can pick out the correct pieces for the XML that was included inline in the message. The version that was sent back to me has been horribly mangled and I'm not sure if an XML document that is attached will fair any better! Maybe the problem is the SourceForge mail relay, if you have more problems like this we can continue the conversation at my work address jjb5{at} Joel From: Joel Bender Sent: Tuesday, September 3, 2019 1:03 AM To: [bfr:discussion]...

  • Jesse Jämsén Jesse Jämsén posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I see thank you very much. I have been using foreign device registeration since the vpn I'm using is tun type so broadcast messages sent by my vpn client won't go trough network. So should I change BIP into BBMD and do foreign device registeration to that interface instead? or am I missing something else? -Jesse

  • Joel Bender Joel Bender posted a comment on discussion Help

    Jesse, The configuration you have has only one network, so it's not acting like a router. When a device receives a Who-Is request it can respond with a broadcast I-Am (the "old school" way of responding) or with a unicast I-Am (the "new school" as an attempt to keep broadcast traffic to a minimum, especially important on large networks). I'm assuming that your VPN client is registering as a foreign device to your BBMD, so they are on the same BACnet network. To use the BFR as a router and split your...

  • Jesse Jämsén Jesse Jämsén posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I have setup where I have 2 interfaces on pc, (vpn tun adapter) and (local ethernet port) Broadcasting seems to be working nicely but when devices respond to Who-is they send response directly to my vpn client ( How can I configure BFR to forward messages instead of devices responding directly? Here is my current configuration: <bfr></bfr> <UDP address="" server="lan" /> <BBMD client="lan" server="bbmd1" foreign="y" /> <Router> <Adapter...

  • Joel Bender Joel Bender posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have not worked on this project in quite some time and right now SourceForge is struggling to give me a downloadable snapshot. When I can get the code back and build it -- and run it! -- I will be back in touch. I'm going to be offline with family events for a while so it won't be at lease until the middle of next week. Joel From: Preetham Rengarajan Kannan Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2018 1:18:37 PM To: [bfr:discussion] Subject: [bfr:discussion] filtering BACnet messages...

  • Preetham Rengarajan Kannan Preetham Rengarajan Kannan posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am a grad student and new to BACnet/IP. I want to know how to filter a read property message generated from VTS

  • lin cheng lin cheng posted a comment on discussion Help

    for Windows, kernel automatically forwards broadcasted packet to socket bound to...

  • Joel Bender Joel Bender committed [r26]

    add an option to turn dynamic routing on, which...

  • Joel Bender Joel Bender posted a comment on discussion Help

    I wrote: A long time ago I used to run Parallels Desktop for virtualization, but...

  • Joel Bender Joel Bender posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Yassine, hy, i have simlare probleme with BFR, i am trying to implemente BFR on...

  • Tim McManamey Tim McManamey posted a comment on discussion Help

    I also noticed that you have the router tag without the adapter. You don't need this....

  • Tim McManamey Tim McManamey modified a comment on discussion Help

  • Tim McManamey Tim McManamey posted a comment on discussion Help

    I haven't figured out the filter or have a need at the moment. Maybe try rejecting...

  • Tim McManamey Tim McManamey posted a comment on discussion Help

    I haven't figured out the filter or have a need at the moment. Maybe try rejecting...

  • yassine yassine modified a comment on discussion Help

    hy, i have simlare probleme with BFR, i am trying to implemente BFR on an architeture...

  • yassine yassine posted a comment on discussion Help

    hy, i have simlare probleme with BFR, i am trying to implemente BFR on an architeture...

  • Tim McManamey Tim McManamey posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks for your response, this helps a lot. I'm fairly new to the BACnet universe...

  • Joel Bender Joel Bender posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thank you for your continuing efforts! In my testing I was using the bacnet protocol...

  • Tim McManamey Tim McManamey posted a comment on discussion Help

    Another note, the settings I got to work with VTS are as follows. <BFR> <UDP address=""...

  • Tim McManamey Tim McManamey posted a comment on discussion Help

    I wanted to update this. In my testing I was using the bacnet protocol stack, such...

  • Tim McManamey Tim McManamey posted a comment on discussion Help

    I'm sending a whois broadcast, but my <Debug/> isn't showing any information. Is...

  • Joel Bender Joel Bender posted a comment on discussion Help

    Guillaume, I have some issues concerning BACnet/IP communication through the internet,...

  • Guillaume Dujardin Guillaume Dujardin posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello, I have some issues concerning BACnet/IP communication through the internet,...

  • Joel Bender Joel Bender posted a comment on discussion Help

    Kyle, Unable to get BFR to route correctly. I must be overlooking something. Here...

  • Joel Bender Joel Bender posted a comment on discussion Help

    Kyle, I am in the process of setting up BFR as a router/firewall. Thank you for your...

  • Kyle Kyle posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Routing BACnet Ethernet to BACnet IP I am in the process of setting up BFR as a router/firewall....

  • Kyle Kyle posted a comment on discussion Help

    Routing BACnet Ethernet to BACnet IP I am in the process of setting up BFR as a router/firewall....

  • Joel Bender Joel Bender committed [r25]

    fix samples to reference 'bfr' as an installed ...

  • Joel Bender Joel Bender committed [r24]

    move tests to samples directory, update build s...

  • Joel Bender Joel Bender committed [r23]

    sample configurations matching documentation

  • Joel Bender Joel Bender committed [r22]

    massive documentation update

  • Joel Bender Joel Bender committed [r21]

    clean up a warning in the debugging code