
Battlefield 1942 Logs / News: Recent posts

Dead as of 1.4

What I'm doing here just doesn't make sense in a 1.4 world. As such, this project is dead. I'll delete it when I get around to it.

Posted by Jonathan Lupa 2003-08-11

Important Note Going Forward...

My next release will change the data format slightly. As I work on PHP/MySQL front ends, I find I want more data... eventually, DICE may give us really good data, but for now, I'm just going to continue to assume we are stuck with gamespy info...

Posted by Jonathan Lupa 2003-04-24

release 0.10

I'm releasing:

1. source
-- relatively cross platform (win32 x linux at least). compiles with g++ 3 or VC6.

2. win32 release executable
-- this is for your windows type. Don't download that debug executable unless you are looking for trouble and trying to fix it.

3. linux release executable.
-- if you dont want to compile, you can try this. It requires libc6.2 methinks...

hopefully this will work as cleanly for you as it did for me.... read more

Posted by Jonathan Lupa 2003-03-17