
BetaTools / News: Recent posts

New release, alpha 0.2

Alpha 0.2 has been released, with 3 new scripts, the directory password protection, image gallery and site search scripts have all been included.

Posted by Philip Skinner 2002-12-29

Image Gallery Script

The image gallery script has been completed, you can upload any number of images and have a title and a caption for each one. It will be in the next release.

Posted by Philip Skinner 2002-12-21

Password Protection Script

I have finished a password protection script that protects directorys and the files within, it uses .htaccess and .htpasswd to protect. It will be in the next release of BetaTools.

Posted by Philip Skinner 2002-12-19

Calendar Applet

The calendar applet has been written, it will be contained in the next release along with the search script.

Posted by Philip Skinner 2002-12-17

Search script

A site search script has been written and will be in the next release.

Posted by Philip Skinner 2002-12-13

Poll added to latest release.

The poll has been added to the latest release, the forum will be added by new year, to view the forums development visit

Posted by Philip Skinner 2002-12-09

BetaTools Poll completed

After an day of trying, waiting and hopeing I have been able to complete the poll for the BetaTools, and as far as I have tested it works great.

Completed/release stage :
*hit counter (by : ywn)
*ppl currently online (by : daragor)
*clock (by : daragor)
*guestbook (by : daragor)
*Shoutbox (by : daragor)
*Contact Form (by : ywn)
*News system (by : daragor)
*Poll system (by : ywn)... read more

Posted by Count Dimurgos 2002-12-06

Betatools Forum in construction

The betatools forum is now being made, you can view its progress at, currently you can navigate boards and threads, also register, login and logout, also you can view member details. Expect to be able to post on it in a week as I want to get all of the funny business done first (IM and so on).

Posted by Philip Skinner 2002-12-06

BetaTools website will be opening soon, but while I am making the pages the very first version of the script is available for all to see there.

Posted by Philip Skinner 2002-11-26