
Windows 10 users


If Half Life goty dont start in windows 10, or freeze, or blackscreen, there is a solution:

-- added the following two lines to config.cfg for each game (in the "valve" folder for Half-Life, the "bdef" folder for Base defense, and the "wie" folder for War In Europe):

fps_max "120.0" <-- or whichever refresh rate you wish to max out at, if not 60fps; 120fps is my own preference

fps_override "1"

  • after updating, set each config.cfg file to read only in properties -- the games will remove the settings added above every time they're launched otherwise;

More "set launch options" commands that can be used for video:

-fullscreen : : no framed window
-windowed : game will be in a framed window
-noboarder : in windowed mode this removes the frame around it.
-gl : open_gl graphics rendering
-software or -sw : CPU graphic rendering
-normal : monitor size 4:3 ratio
-wide : monitor size 16:9or10 ratio
+gl_vsync 0 : turns off verical Synch in open_gl rendering (can improve FPS)
-nofbo : this turns off some advance rendering in open_gl (can improve FPS)
-nomsaa : turns off AA ;Anti-Aliasing (can improve FPS)
-gl_aniso 0 : Removes anisotrophic filtering (can improve FPS)
-w 800 : width screen resolution size (other sizes can be used)
-h 600 : height screen resolution size (other sizes can be used)


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