

Waypoints (1)

specific Waypoint with different color:

Normal waypoint : light green / vert clair
W_FL_AIMING : orange
-for jump, snipe position
W_FL_TEAM_SPECIFIC : light blue / bleu clair
waypoint use by only one team
W_FL_LADDER : yellow / jaune
W_FL_FLAG : fluorescent green / vert fluo
-Capture point
W_FL_PRONE : purple / violet
-go to prone position (no use for time)
W_FL_USE : blue / bleu
-specific use command
W_FL_BOMBPOINT : Red / rouge
-Objectif where to put down item like Tnt
W_FL_WEAPON : grey / gris
-Where to find weapon, or other for specific mod
W_FL_HEALTH : pink / rose
-medikit item

Mod Base Defense:

the W_FL_WEAPON wpt is use to buy weapon and ammo
the W_FL_USE wpt is for open door

Mod War In Europe:

the W_FL_BOMBPOINT wpt is where to throw the Tnt item

The "itin" waypoint
Why there are so much waypoint with the same mapname?
itin, itin1, itin2, itin3 are specific team bot navigation, they will be create when the map is launch.


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