
Betabot / Blog: Recent posts



release Mobile Infantry version 0200:

-The spawn system of the original game has been deleted due to incompatibility
-Now bugs:
-At firstspawn and so.., a lot of killed self with worldspawn; reason, too many bot spawn on the same spawnpoint
soluce: modified the mapname_betabot.cfg in map folder or delete it, and add bot manually with the console
- No double laser: sometimes you can pick one up however no
- No laser sprite: due too many tempent in the game
-At the end of the rounds, sometimes crash when changing map
-In map ast_center: you respawn in spectator mode in a monster_furniture point????;
Auto win round due to the map configuration: soluce: begin the server with this map

release wie beta version 0101:
bot use medikit... read more

Posted by betalo 2018-09-16