

Benedict Jäggi


An entity with a mesh or animated mesh node added to the scene.

static qiSceneManager* sceneMgr

Pointer to the scene manager of the internal graphics engine.

void enableLigthing(bool enable)

Enables or disables lighting on the node of this entity.

bool loadAndAddToScene(qiSceneManager smgr, std::string meshFileName)

Used in engine->createEntity().
Call this when you create an entity with new.
It loads the given mesh and adds a scene node to the scene manager.
Mesh can have this names:
@sphere - creates a sphere.
@cube - creates a cube.
fileName - loads the fileName mesh.

qSceneNode getNode()

Returns the scene node of this entity.

void setNode(qSceneNode* node)

Sets the entities node. Don't use this.


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