
Tree [5cbc9a] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 entities 2013-06-21 Benedict Jaeggi Benedict Jaeggi [24271c] Initial commit
 gl 2013-06-25 Benedict Jaeggi Benedict Jaeggi [5cbc9a] Console works exactly the same in AWT and OpenGL.
 intern 2013-06-21 Benedict Jaeggi Benedict Jaeggi [24271c] Initial commit
 managers 2013-06-25 Benedict Jaeggi Benedict Jaeggi [5cbc9a] Console works exactly the same in AWT and OpenGL.
 math 2013-06-21 Benedict Jaeggi Benedict Jaeggi [24271c] Initial commit
 preferences 2013-06-25 Benedict Jaeggi Benedict Jaeggi [5cbc9a] Console works exactly the same in AWT and OpenGL.
 ui 2013-06-25 Benedict Jaeggi Benedict Jaeggi [5cbc9a] Console works exactly the same in AWT and OpenGL. 2013-06-21 Benedict Jaeggi Benedict Jaeggi [24271c] Initial commit 2013-06-21 Benedict Jaeggi Benedict Jaeggi [24271c] Initial commit 2013-06-21 Benedict Jaeggi Benedict Jaeggi [24271c] Initial commit 2013-06-25 Benedict Jaeggi Benedict Jaeggi [5cbc9a] Console works exactly the same in AWT and OpenGL. 2013-06-21 Benedict Jaeggi Benedict Jaeggi [24271c] Initial commit 2013-06-21 Benedict Jaeggi Benedict Jaeggi [24271c] Initial commit 2013-06-21 Benedict Jaeggi Benedict Jaeggi [24271c] Initial commit 2013-06-21 Benedict Jaeggi Benedict Jaeggi [24271c] Initial commit 2013-06-21 Benedict Jaeggi Benedict Jaeggi [24271c] Initial commit 2013-06-21 Benedict Jaeggi Benedict Jaeggi [24271c] Initial commit
 README.txt 2013-06-25 Benedict Jaeggi Benedict Jaeggi [5cbc9a] Console works exactly the same in AWT and OpenGL. 2013-06-25 Benedict Jaeggi Benedict Jaeggi [5cbc9a] Console works exactly the same in AWT and OpenGL.

Read Me

The BGE is provided as is.
Developed by Benedict Jäggi, 2012,2013

This work applies to the GPL License.

To start your own, you need to derive a class from bge.IState.
Also you need to register your start-state in
bge.preferences.ApplicationPreferences as StartState.

Also you need to register your entities in the file 
There is at least one registered entity wich you can copypaste and modify.

Read comments in the files for more documentation.

Have Fun.

0.3.011 -> 0.3.012
+ New Function glHelpers.glDraw2DRect(GL gl, int x,int y,
                                        int width,int height, boolean filled)
- Fixed bge.ui.UIButton for drawing in OpenGL.
- Console has now the same look and feel like the AWT version. 
    (except transparency)
0.3.011 -> 0.3.012
- Enabled alpha blending.
- Console (in GL) has now exactly the same look and feel like the AWT part.
+ New function glHelpers.glEnableBlending(GL gl)
+ New function glHelpers.glDisableBlending(GL gl)
0.3.010 -> 0.3.011
+ New Package
+ New class
+ New Function glHelpers.glColor3(GL gl, Color color)
+ New Function glHelpers.glColor4(GL gl, Color color)
- Moved all gl stuff to (from 0.3.010)
+ New Function Helpers.glBegin2DDrawing()
+ New Function Helpers.glEnd2DDrawing()
+ New Class bge.GLFont
- Console works in opengl, it only needs some adjustments.
0.2.104 ->
- Made a hybrid engine wich now also supports OpenGL drawing.
  > If you want to make an OpenGL application, use BGEEngineGL as startup class.
  > If you want to make an AWT application, use BGEEngine as startup class.
  > Also implement IState in combination with IDrawable_OpenGL or IDrawable_AWT.
  > You can make stuff with both capabilities so you only need to switch 
    the startup class.
0.2.103 -> 0.2.104
+ New function bge.Managers.EntityManager.registerEntityCommand(classAlias, eventName);
+ New function bge.Managers.EntityManager.getEntityCommands(classAlias);
0.2.102 -> 0.2.103
+ New function bge.Managers.EntityManager.registerEntityEvent(classAlias, eventName);
+ New function bge.Managers.EntityManager.getEntityEvents(classAlias);
0.2.101 -> 0.2.102
+ New function bge.Helpers.OpenFileForSerialize(fileName)
+ New function bge.Helpers.OpenFileForDeserialize(fileName)
0.2.001 -> 0.2.101 Console now with copy and paste buttons on left mouse down.
0.1 -> 0.2.001 Now also de-/serializing the triggereventmanager within entities.