

Marius Miron
  • Several parameters can be modified using the settings.xml file:

<passToExit>exit</passToExit> the password used to exit the app

<verbose>1</verbose> more output on the connectivity between clients and server

<fullscreen>1</fullscreen> the app runs fullscreen

<fps>1000</fps> frames per second to run: more fps less delay but more computationally expensive

<midiPort>0</midiPort> - the midi port to run

<midiChannel>0</midiChannel> - the midi channel to listen to

<midiNote>0</midiNote> - the midi note which will trigger a tap

<noPlays>2</noPlays> - maximum number of times you can listen a song

<minTaps>1</minTaps> - minimum number of song tapped after which the score is displayed

<randomFiles>1</randomFiles> - play the file in an unique random order for each user



<canQuit>1</canQuit> - set this to 0 if you don't want to allow quitting during the test

<itemDimGUI>24</itemDimGUI> - item dimension - e.g. button size

<launchScript>0</launchScript> - this option calls an octave script and computes some scores

<scriptDirectory>XML4MAT</scriptDirectory> - the directory in which the octave script resides

<appToLaunchPath>/Applications/ -qf --quiet --eval "clear all; cd path; tapping2('xmlin','xmlout');exit;"</appToLaunchPath> - the path to octave, matlab or whatever script you want to call. you must preserve the xmlin and xmlout structure, xmlin being the file with the tapping and xmlout the results file

<isClient>0</isClient> - this app is a server and listening to a port, taking care of user management, or is a client, just storing the taps for each user and not their data

<tcpPort>9001</tcpPort> - the tcp port used for client-server communication

<ipServer></ipServer> - the ip of the server to connect to

  • the app description from the first page can be changed from description.txt
  • the instructions can be changed from instructions.txt
  • the <> sequence is used for a new line