
Bear version 0.9.3 released

Bear is a mathematical research tool for studying Bers slices and complex projective structures on punctured tori.

New features in version 0.9.3 include support for several types of Schwarzian equation integration contours (splines, ellipses, piecewise linear paths) and a new module 'bers2' for computing holonomy on a sparse grid and then interpolating over a finer grid. An experimental module for computing unstable manifolds of pseudo-anosov mapping classes was also added; while functional, it is still under active development and may change significantly in future releases.

This release is available as gzipped source, or as an i386 binary package in deb (Debian unstable) format.

An extensive gallery of images and animations created with Bear is available on the author's web page:

Posted by Anonymous 2013-03-25

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