
Bear / News: Recent posts

Bear version 0.9.7 released

Bear is a mathematical research tool for studying complex projective structures on punctured tori and for creating images of Bers slices of quasi-Fuchsian space.

This release incorporates bug fixes, code improvements, and a new module for computing McShane-type sums over the tree of Markov triples.

Bear is available as a source package or as a binary DEB for Debian GNU/Linux on i386. Full details about this release can be found in the release Change Log. ... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2007-12-31

Bear version 0.9.6 released

Bear is a mathematical research tool for studying Bers slices and complex projective structures on punctured tori.

This is a bugfix release that includes further performance improvements resulting from the same issues addressed in the 0.9.5 bug fixes.

This is also the first release of Bear which is available in RPM package format; packages for several popular i386 GNU/Linux distribtuions and a source RPM are included.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2005-08-14

Bear version 0.9.5 released

Bear is a mathematical research tool for studying Bers slices and complex projective structures on punctured tori.

Version 0.9.5 is a minor patch against the previous release (0.9.4) which corrects a numerically unstable step in the Bers slice holonomy calculation. The result is a drastic improvement in the accuracy and stability of these holonomy calculations.

Full details can be found in the release Change Log. This release is available as gzipped source, or as an i386 or AMD64 binary package in deb (Debian GNU/Linux unstable) format. ... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2005-07-12

Bear version 0.9.4 released

Bear is a mathematical research tool for studying Bers slices and complex projective structures on punctured tori.

Version 0.9.4 is a bugfix release that also incorporates minor feature enhancements. The build system is now more robust and portable, and problems building on Darwin / Mac OS X have been fixed. A new ODE solver 'LSODE' was added, and a new 'blocking' feature eases the subdivision of larger calculations into small pieces for distributed computing. Full details can be found in the release Change Log. This release is available as gzipped source, or as an i386 binary package in deb (Debian GNU/Linux unstable) format. ... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2005-06-08

Bear version 0.9.3 released

Bear is a mathematical research tool for studying Bers slices and complex projective structures on punctured tori.

New features in version 0.9.3 include support for several types of Schwarzian equation integration contours (splines, ellipses, piecewise linear paths) and a new module 'bers2' for computing holonomy on a sparse grid and then interpolating over a finer grid. An experimental module for computing unstable manifolds of pseudo-anosov mapping classes was also added; while functional, it is still under active development and may change significantly in future releases.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2005-03-25

Bear version 0.9.0 released

Bear is a mathematical research tool for studying Bers slices and complex projective structures on punctured tori. Version 0.9.0 includes support for the HDF5 output format, scripting using the Lua extension language, and minor improvements to the discreteness testing algorithm.

This is the first release as a project; previous versions were distributed via the author's personal web page. Version 0.9.0 represents a substantial overhaul of the control system and I/O code, though the underlying holonomy and discreteness algorithms are mostly unchanged. Binary packages in deb (Debian) and rpm formats are also included.

Posted by Anonymous 2004-06-12