
BCHub / News: Recent posts

BCHub Resurection

I have decided to continue development on this project as BCHub, the next release will include Lua scripting stay tuned should be a week or so.

Posted by Blake 2008-02-10

BCHub goes to BC#Hub!

I've decided to scrap borland c++ builder and go with Visual C# Express, I'll leave the old bchub and continue development from here in C#. I can't really estimate a release date as I a new to C#, also I'll be switching to the ADC protocol. Stay tuned..

Posted by Blake 2007-02-12

BCHub v0.2 Released

Didn't the subject tell you everything you need to know? ;). Heres the changelog:

*[fix] dupe nick checking bug, user could get on using the botname.
*[add] Hub checks to make sure key has been recieved, but doesn't validate
*[add] Basic restrictions. Min share, max share, min slots, max slots.
*[add] A little chat UI under Security tab, chat tab.

TODO; More restrictions, registered users... and more. I'll try to work it in, I'm
a very busy person :). ... read more

Posted by Blake 2006-10-19

Upcoming release

Soon I'll release v0.2 of bchub, with a few bit of changes.

Stay tuned..

Posted by Blake 2006-10-18


Heres the first release of bchub! v0.1! Limited to: Starting the hub, joining with client, seeing userlist and chatting. Its a teaser ;).

Posted by Blake 2006-09-13