

Jay Moore

Welcome to Bitrate Compression Calculator for Python (BCCpy)

BCCpy is a very simple basic application for generating a file size from a known bitrate and amount of time. It is something I am working on while I learn Python.

I am far from what one would consider a programmer. I played around with extremely simple Applesoft BASIC programs growing up; I attempted to learn qbasic and Turbo Pascal, but never got far. I had slightly more success with Visual Basic; even writing a similar program in 1999 for calculating popular MP3 bitrates of the day, Audio Compression Size Calculator (ACSC).

BCCpy is actually a stripped down recreation of ACSC I am creating as I learn Python using "Learn Python the Hard Way"; and the initial release was made after only 12 exercises (only couple hours time). As most things are VBR these days; you rarely know what bitrate you're dealing with. However, if you still want to make ballpark figures; you may get some use out of it.

BCCpy is a really straightforward program; just execute it and enter the info at the prompts. That being said; it shouldn't require much support. There is currently an issue with the input prompts; you must enter something or the program will crash. If you do not need a variable; enter 0. This will be fixed as soon as I know what the hell I'm doing.

Thanks for giving it a try.

Download bccpy 0.6